
Tame staging of EDSL programs

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Copyright 2015 Maximilian Scherr

A prototype implementation of a framework for the tame staging of EDSL (embedded domain-specific language) programs. It is an exploration of a semi-linguistic abstraction (here the @Stage annotation, Language classes, and the associated background machinery) to more directly support (a guided form of) language embedding in Java.


  • Javassist 3 (3.20.0-GA)
  • Guava 18.0
  • JDK 8

How to Build the Java Agent

After compilation use the supplied MANIFEST.MF file to build a JAR file with name tamestaj.jar or any other suitable name (with JVM start-up options adjusted accordingly).


Applications are to be started using:

java -javaagent:tamestaj.jar ...

The agent will automatically detect @Stage annotations on methods and fields and transforms code that refers (i.e. uses, calls, reads, or accesses) to them. Reified terms are automatically plumbed to their respective Language classes' make...Closure(...) methods when materialization is triggered by language boundaries, i.e. when terms are consumed DSL-externally.


Maximilian Scherr and Shigeru Chiba. Almost First-Class Language Embedding: Taming Staged Embedded DSLs. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences, pages 21-30, New York, NY, USA, 2015. ACM.