
https://hashids.org/ support for Varnish

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This module makes Hashids encoding and decoding available in VCL. See https://hashids.org/ for details about the hashids library.


hashids.encode(salt, number) returns a hashid for number salted with salt.

hashids.decode(salt, hashid) returns the decoded number for hashid salted with salt.


hashids.decode() will return negative numbers between -1 and -5 if an error occurs during decoding.

The table below shows the meaning of the returned error codes:

Error code Description
-1 Input hash is empty.
-2 Input hash is larger than max allowed size (default: 64 bytes)
-3 No numbers was returned.
-4 Invalid hash / salt mismatch.
-5 Hashids library initialization failed.

hashids.encode() will return an empty string if an error occurs.


import hashids;

sub vcl_deliver {
  # Encodes 1234
  set resp.http.Encoded-Hash = hashids.encode("mysalt", 1234);

  # Decodes resp.http.Encoded-Hash
  set resp.http.Decoded-Hash = hashids.decode("mysalt", resp.http.Encoded-Hash);


The source tree is based on autotools to configure the building, and does also have the necessary bits in place to do functional unit tests using the varnishtest tool.

Building requires the Varnish header files and uses pkg-config to find the necessary paths.



If you have installed Varnish to a non-standard directory, call autogen.sh and configure with PKG_CONFIG_PATH pointing to the appropriate path. For instance, when varnishd configure was called with --prefix=$PREFIX, use

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=({PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig
export ACLOCAL_PATH={PREFIX}/share/aclocal

The module will inherit its prefix from Varnish, unless you specify a different --prefix when running the configure script for this module.

Make targets:

  • make - builds the vmod.
  • make install - installs your vmod.
  • make check - runs the unit tests in src/tests/*.vtc.
  • make distcheck - run check and prepare a tarball of the vmod.

Installation directories

By default, the vmod configure script installs the built vmod in the directory relevant to the prefix. The vmod installation directory can be overridden by passing the vmoddir variable to make install.

Supported Varnish versions

At the time of writing the module is verified working with the latest releases of Varnish 4, 5 and 6.