
Simplest AlphaZero Implementation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simplest AlphaZero Implementation. Only two python files within a thousand lines:

  • game.py: define the game logic (rules, valid move, game ended, score, etc.). We take Othello as an example, you can easily implement other games like gomoku, chess, Go.
  • alphazero.py: MCTS, Self-Play, RL and Pytorch based Neural Networks.

This repo is based on https://github.com/suragnair/alpha-zero-general, while much more simpler:

  • It only contains two python files, the only requirement is Pytorch (any version).
  • Make the recursive MCTS more intuitive: the search(canonicalBoard) function return the value of the current canonicalBoard which is recursively called: v = -search(next_canonicalBoard) if current canonicalBoard isn't a terminal/leaf node based on the zero-sum game nature.
  • To save people with OCD: getGameEnded(self, board, player) return None if not ended, 1 if player won, -1 if player lost, 0 if draw. Rather then a small positve number for draw.
  • Move all the args into one place and make it configurable.
  • Fix several bugs and erroneous comments.


python alphazero.py --train

One day training with one common GPU, you will go though ~100 iterations and get a strong Othello player. The default board size is 6 * 6, you can change it by --board_size=8 to have a common 8 * 8 board.

I put my trained 6 * 6 ckpt under temp/iter106.pth.tar.


Random player vs. Alphazero: 0 : 100

python alphazero.py --play --round=100 --player1=random --ckpt_file=iter106.pth.tar

Greedy player vs. Alphazero: 0 : 100

python alphazero.py --play --round=100 --player1=greedy --ckpt_file=iter106.pth.tar

Alphazero vs. Alphazero: 0 : 1 (99 draws)

python alphazero.py --play --round=100 --player1=alphazero --ckpt_file=iter106.pth.tar

You can play with Alphazero too, please let me know if you can beat it:

python alphazero.py --play --round=2 --player1=human --ckpt_file=iter106.pth.tar --verbose
