Semi-implicit Cross-scale Hydroscience Integrated System Model (SCHISM)
- 8
NaN from WWM
#151 opened by EmilioEchevarria - 4
Compilation does not give out executable file
#154 opened by maouyami - 0
Add spack build function
#152 opened by q1165600785 - 2
Problem with scribe_IO after second hotstart
#149 opened by janko-om - 27
Initial timesteps results for a hotstart run
#140 opened by SorooshMani-NOAA - 4
Info: Pschism from Spack
#147 opened by zeekus - 4
Exit code is zero even when simulator fails
#125 opened by AugustoPeres - 1
Minor bug in building xmvis6
#146 opened by kshedstrom - 6
Question: Is AWS Pcluster supported by SCHISM?
#88 opened by zeekus - 1
time difference
#143 opened by wjl0122 - 8
- 29
- 1
5.12 release?
#141 opened by pmav99 - 13
Update ugrid conventions
#114 opened by veenstrajelmer - 3
Missing inverse barometer effect?
#139 opened by EmilioEchevarria - 3
Julian Date Calculation Imprecision Leads to Issues with Time Indices Slicing in the File
#137 opened by jduckerOWP - 0
Support for the Intel 2024+ compilers
#136 opened by pvelissariou1 - 3
Error when run a 2D model with tidal elevation and velocity ( 23: ABORT: STEP: wetted cross section length on open bnd <=0; boundary ndx= 1 , length= 0.000000000000000E+000)
#135 opened by HuanWang0826 - 6
- 6
FABM/SCHISM: UNFULFILLED DEPENDENCY: downwelling_photosynthetic_radiative_flux
#134 opened by jpein1 - 7
- 6
Updating variable names in
#128 opened by kjnam - 2
Compile GOTM 3.2.5
#127 opened by hb-9797 - 37
:bug: Wrong version generated by
#84 opened by jamal919 - 5
No rule to make target 'pschism' / BLD_STANDALONE
#124 opened by platipodium - 1
#113 opened by Tiziano94polyu - 10
Issue Running with Sflux generated from HAFS
#121 opened by SorooshMani-NOAA - 1
Format overflow in staout
#119 opened by brey - 1
- 3
Help - pschism seems to not able to find the hdf5 libraries and netcdf-c libraries.
#115 opened by zeekus - 2
Incorrect Pi value in read_output10_xyz.f90
#112 opened by HansKimDWR - 2
schism doesn't seem compile with gcc and openmpi
#98 opened by zeekus - 1
#108 opened by zhangshuaipe - 1
- 7
Python package support for SCHISM
#107 opened by saeed-moghimi-noaa - 0
:wrench: Build failed with default link-time-optimizer (-lto) in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with gcc version 11.2.0
#90 opened by jamal919 - 1
Error with two open boundries
#106 opened by aahgohoxij - 24
Execution error
#104 opened by brey - 15
- 2
Compilation problem with GOTM
#103 opened by emyrizzi11 - 4
a problem in Compilation
#102 opened by zmli-666 - 1
Using different hurricane models from PaHM
#100 opened by SorooshMani-NOAA - 1
Inconsistencies between versions 5.9 and 5.10
#99 opened by brey - 2
Parallelization error - No output files
#94 opened by simwes - 4
Tracer method in 5.10.1
#93 opened by brey - 5
- 6
- 2
Pre-processing issues
#89 opened by Lin-yrn - 5
- 0
Change type of it to I8
#80 opened by platipodium