
SkyUI and nVidia DSR

piphil opened this issue · 16 comments

nVidia have released drivers that enable DSR (Dynamic Super Resolution), a form of anti-aliasing, for their cards. Basically, the GPU renders at a higher resolution, then down-samples to the native resolution.

I have enabled DSR for Skyrim through the nVidia Experience settings, running at twice my normal resolution. Everything works fine, apart from a couple of issues:

i) The menu to select Health/Magicka/Stamina on Level-Up is displayed at the original resolution i.e. half size in my case;

ii) The words "Level Up" are displayed permanently on the screen during gameplay, but are not present when accessing menus. See attached image.

This is a reasonably niche issue, so I'm not expecting code to be altered, but I was wondering if there are any settings I can change to fix these problems, especially the second problem?


Do you have any mods installed that include a modified hudmenu?

If you have some basic modding experience, you can create a script that calls

UI.SetInt("HUDMenu", "_root.HUDMovieBaseInstance.QuestUpdateBaseInstance.LevelUpTextInstance._y", -10000)

Or maybe

UI.SetInt("HUDMenu", "_root.HUDMovieBaseInstance.QuestUpdateBaseInstance.LevelUpTextInstance._alpha", 0)

Hi schlangster, thanks for the reply.

As far as I am aware I have no other mods that change the UI or hud in any way. Perhaps the "Better maps with roads", but I can't see that mucking around with the hud.

As for 'basic modding experience', unfortunately no. :-(

Is this a case of creating a file with the above script and placing it in the data folder?

Level up text being displayed is an issue with the vanilla interface. The level up text box wasn't hidden (no visibility or no alpha) but was instead placed off the 720p canvas. For some reason with certain screen resolutions you can see without the canvas and hence the level up text. We can likely push a fix for this though.

As for the level up menu where you select which stat to update, wehaven't modified this. Un sure what the issue is or how to fix it, sorry. I shall definitely look in to it for you

kav2k commented

As for the level up menu where you select which stat to update, wehaven't modified this. Un sure what the issue is or how to fix it, sorry.

The issue is with the selection box Health/Magicka/Stamina when leveling up. It does not scale with the resolution changes, making it tiny on 4K resolution.

kav2k commented

Here's a screenshot with demonstration, at 4K DSR resolution, click for full res:

Click for full image

Ah, not very useful! I'll see if anything can be done

kav2k commented

Not very useful? Okay, extra explanation - the dialog in the center that allows to pick Magicka / Health / Stamina is not scaled with the resolution at all. I can make a screenshot with another resolution of the same scene to compare.

Considering Skyrim was supposedly built with 720p in mind, current size should be "right" for 720p and scale accordingly.

Then again, I'm not sure indeed if this can be fixed by a mod.

kav2k commented

For comparison, 720p:

Click for full size

Ah sorry, misunderstanding. I meant that having it that small is not very useful, I understand the problem and will try and see what to do to fix it :)

Not able to do this from SkyUI, I have made an SKSE plugin... can you extract this to your Data folder and see if it fixes your issues?

Should also fix any issues with inventory menus not scaling correctly:

Source code is this:

    // Scalemodes for UI

    // Barter Menu
    SafeWrite8(0x008426DE, 0x01);

    // Container Menu
    SafeWrite8(0x00849110, 0x01);

    // Crafting Menu
    SafeWrite8(0x0084EB01, 0x01);

    // Gift Menu
    SafeWrite8(0x0085CEFB, 0x01);

    // Inventory Menu
    SafeWrite8(0x00869AAE, 0x01);

    // Magic Menu
    SafeWrite8(0x00873775, 0x01);

    // Level Up Menu
    SafeWrite8(0x0086E765, 0x03);

Mardoxx thank you! That fixed the inventory menus for me. You, sir, are a gentleman! Thanks

kav2k commented

I can also confirm that the scaling problem is fixed. Thank you!

Glad it works, not sure it is a complete solution for all cases, however. (Do either of you have multi-monitor setups?)

Hello, thank you so much for this. I guess this is thread necromancy but does the original plugin author still use this site, hopefully he'll get a notification or something via e-mail. I don't use SkyUI, this is actually either an NVidia or a standard Skryim HUD/UI issue.

I tried the method of editing the 'Translate_English' text file and I tried the plugin. Unfortuntaely the plugin did not work for me. Could I ask advice pretty please? This is my original post on the Steam forums:

Hey, thanks for reading.

I have a favour to ask.

I have just bought a beast of a gaming machine and it's my first 4k system with a 4k monitor. I'm having a rather common (according to Google at least) but irritating issue. The words 'LEVEL UP' are permanently showing up in the game world and won't go away. From Googling, it's either a Skyrim UI or NVidia problem. Here is a pic:

I read that it's to do with higher resolutions, the UI and NVidia, and I followed the recommended fix by removing 'LEVEL UP' from the line in the Translate_English file as recommended here on the Steam forums:

^^ This fix works, but it causes other issues. When you press tab to enter the menu, the words 'LEVEL UP' for the option at the top are gone. When you also his max XP for your level and the bar turns blue and plays the level up sound, the words 'LEVEL UP' are also missing. So, in short, this fix does remove the words from the world screen, but it also removes all other 'LEVEL UP(s)' everywhere else.

The mod available on Nexus is out of date and does the same thing effectively, so it causes the same side effects.

I found an obscure solution on another website, where someone made a custom plugin for another user. I copied the dll file to my data folder and, when that didn't work, I pasted it to my SKSE - Plugins folder instead. That too didn't work. It fixed the scaling issues as shown in the original posters screenshots, but it did not fix my perma-'LEVEL UP' on screen issue . The plugin suggestion is here:


I'm desperate. I'm so OCD that playing with either the 'LEVEL UP' on screen, or the removal of the 'LEVEL UP' from the menu, both cause me great irritation. I'm using a 3840 x 2160 resolution on a 28" Iiyama 4k monitor with a 6GB MSI GTX 980Ti Gaming Graphics Card.

Please, does anyone know how to fix this without screwing up the menu?

Thanks for your time.

Ah, I have found that your SkyUI actually fixes the issue for me (I saw the OP was using SkyUI but had this issue). I liked the old menus, so I installed SkyUI-Away to keep them, but whilst keeping the scaling fixes your SkyUI offers.