
A Html Dsl for Kotlin

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KHtml - A Html Dsl for Kotlin

KHtml is a Kotlin Dsl library that makes it incredibly easy to generate Html files with Kotlin.

Getting started

To write a Html file with KHtml just use the html fun from the khtml.api package. The first parameter specifies the output. It is of type Appendable so there could be a StringWriter, a OutputStreamWriter or even the console.

val sw = StringWriter()
html(sw) {


This example just opens and closes a html tag.


In the html tag there can be a head tag which is specified like that:

html(output) {
    head {


In the head tag you can specify stylesheets, scripts and the title:

html(output) {
    head {


The content of an html file belongs in the body tag. This could be a paragraph or any other possibly nested tags. An example

html(output) {
    body {

Literal tags

Inside the body tags can specified using the following style

html(output) {
    body {
        "tag" {
            "nestedTag" {

You can see that we just use a string literal and then put the content inside the braces. The content between the tags is specified using content.

Different build-in tags

Paragraphs p

You can add a paragraph of text with the function p. You can step for step append text inside the paragraph

//inside body
p {
    append("this ")
    append("is ")
    append("a paragraph")

Or just pass a hole string:

//inside body
p("this is a paragraph")

Headings h

Headings can be specified by using the h fun and passing an integer parameter or just using one of the h[1-6] functions. Note that when passing an integer parameter it must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 6

//inside body
h(3, "this is a heading")
h3("this is a heading")