
A configurable event server, written in rust, scripted in python.

Primary LanguageRust


Brunoise (brun-wah), is a configurable event server, written in rust, scripted in python.

💡 The idea

The basic idea is that we run a web server that has a configuration interface. From this interface we can then setup event handlers. These handlers all take the same function signature, and are written as python objects. This allows the speed of rust to handle the entrypoint and multithreading, while executing each "event" in an isolated python environment with its own GIL.


Currently this project is alpha, there is no packaging setup yet. However, it can be ran using plain old cargo run. See the developing section for more info.


When developing, please build and run the server with the cargo run command. Since we are running embedded python, we need to make sure to add the PYO3_CONFIG_FILE env var first.

PYO3_CONFIG_FILE=$(pwd)/pyembedded/pyo3-build-config-file.txt cargo run


Run the Cargo test suite with:

PYO3_CONFIG_FILE=$(pwd)/pyembedded/pyo3-build-config-file.txt cargo test
