- 2
Nuxt 3?
#118 opened by SoftCreatR - 1
this.$L not available in composition API
#120 opened by digitalforgeangelo - 0
- 0
How to change CRS?
#121 opened by digitalforgeangelo - 0
- 0
- 5
How to load `nuxt-leaflet` locally?
#77 opened by d4rkr3pt0r - 3
How use latLngBounds in Nuxt?
#52 opened by io777 - 0
#111 opened by raphaelzerbib - 0
Typo in plugin.js
#102 opened by designchapnl - 1
L-control is missing.
#101 opened by parksijoong - 0
How to add googlemutant layer into it
#100 opened by ankit-otpl - 9
Icons change?
#6 opened by EmmanuelBeziat - 0
Styles fail to load in combination with PurgeCSS
#90 opened by Sergix - 1
Removing attribution
#89 opened by Tobeyforce - 1
Write tests
#1 opened by schlunsen - 2
Adding a map marker dynamically
#60 opened by mboekhold - 2
Changing Styles - Implementing custom styling
#70 opened by hvitis - 0
Changing options does not automatically reload
#78 opened by GELELOIC - 1
How to implement custom options?
#72 opened by hvitis - 2
Can we have an example please?
#71 opened by RonAlmog - 2
Bump the version dependency of vue2-leaflet
#62 opened by ajmas - 1
- 0
Leaflet plugins
#59 opened by mboekhold - 0
- 2
- 1
- 1
Rendering map is too slow
#49 opened by claide - 2
Adding plugin to nuxt-leaflet
#48 opened by sowinski - 4
Add custom vue leaflet component
#14 opened by riso348 - 1
how to use Leaflet.Icon.Glyph
#38 opened by Kasonz - 1
Options? What are they?
#39 opened by movepixels - 1
how to apply different map styles
#47 opened - 10
Maps in nuxts static mode break
#43 opened by duktiga-havet - 1
typescript definitions
#40 opened by mathroc - 4
Still getting window is not defined
#7 opened by kevcodez - 0
L.Label is not a constructor
#15 opened by dzarezenko - 2
How to use with nuxt-leaflet ?
#21 opened by vodnicearv - 2
- 3
Error using l-popup component.
#20 opened by pablocattaneo - 2
Unknown custom element: <l-control>
#18 opened by richeduni - 2
- 1
Nuxt leaflet in SPA mode
#16 opened by leesmith - 3
Cant access map oject on mounted hook
#8 opened by jericopulvera - 1
[Question] Disable scroll zoom functionality
#13 opened by Extarys - 2
I don't see map at all
#10 opened by dzarezenko - 2
Update vue2-leaflet
#9 opened by lu40 - 1
nuxt-leaflet documentation
#5 opened by vkatsar - 2