
An interactive & asynchronous CLI/CMD interface based on node-suppose (https://github.com/jprichardson/node-suppose)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


node-respond is an auto-responding Async CLI/CMD wrapper for NodeJS with a syntax based on node-suppose by jprichardson (https://github.com/jprichardson/node-suppose).


After searching around for a super simple way to format a HDD in NodeJS I settled on using nodes child_proccess, but found responding to questions from the CLI an absolute nightmare of spaghetti, and so this was born!


npm install respond --save


Note: you can set these in any order you please.

Initiate the funtion: let respond = require('respond');

Set responses: respond.on('what to listen for', 'what to respond with') NOTE: they don't have to be in order!

Set debug: respond.debug((msg) => { /*Handle message data*/ }) Debug reports all strings to any functions you set to it.

Set error handlers: respond.error((errMsg) => { /*Handle Error*/ })

Set end handlers: respond.end((exitCode) => { /*Handle End*/ })


   let respond = require(__dirname + '/../main.js');

    respond('npm', ['init'])
        .on(new RegExp('package name:', 'igm'), 'awesome_package')
        .on('version:', '0.0.1')
        .on('description:', "It's an awesome package man!")
        .on('entry point:', "")
        .on('test command:', 'npm test')
        .on('git repository:', "")
        .on('keywords:', 'awesome, cool')
        .on('author:', 'Shane Gadsby')
        .on('license:', 'MIT')
        .on('is this OK?', 'yes')
        .error((err) => {
        .end((code) => {
            console.log('Exit code: ', code)


(MIT License)

Copyright 2022, Shane Gadsby