
XCSoar File Manager Data Repository

Primary LanguageJavaScript

XCSoar File Manager Data Repository

Test URLs with mocha

This repository describes the data that the File Manager of XCSoar is able to download. This data includes terrain and topography maps, airspace, waypoint and other files like the FlarmNet database.


Contributions here have to pass:

  • A URL availability check
  • A review by another contributer

If both checks pass, the resulting repository file is automatically generated and deployed to http://download.xcsoar.org/repository

If you feel that some important files are missing, please fork this repository and send a pull request.


Structure of entry

Example entry:

  "name": "ARG_CENTRO_HighRes.xcm",
  "uri": "http://download.xcsoar.org/maps/ARG_CENTRO_HighRes.xcm",
  "type": "map",
  "area": "ar",
  "update": "2013-02-16"


This should be the file name on the XCSoar client side. Try to keep this consistent during updates.


The URL of the location of the file to download. Please note:

  • Use HTTP URLs when possible as some platforms can't do SSL
  • The URL is checked before the resulting repository file is deployed


File type of the referenced file:

  • waypoint (Turnpoints in CUP format)
  • waypoint-details (Additonal description of waypoints)
  • map (XCM map)
  • airspace (Airspace in OpenAIR format)
  • flarmnet (Flarmnet or OGN database)


This is the ISO 3166 country code, of the area the file is active in.


Here we specify the date from which the data is valid. A special value is 'daily' for files that should be updated daily.

Installation on Debian

To run the test manually you require nodejs:

apt-get install nodejs npm
npm install


URL tester:

To run the URL check manually:

npm test

Generate repository flat file

To generate the repository flat file used by XCSoar, use the following command:

npm run convert