
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SynthTool (for client libraries)

This tool helps to generate and layout cloud client libraries.


This tool requires Python 3.6. Either install it from python.org or use pyenv to get 3.6.

Install latest

python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade git+https://github.com/googleapis/synthtool.git

Install stable

python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade gcp-synthtool

Basic usage

To start the process of generation, clone the destination repository.

git clone git@github.com:googleapis/google-cloud-python.git
cd google-cloud-python/

Navigate to the destination directory to generate the library.

cd tasks/

Running synthtool

If a synth.py script is not present, create a new one.

You can create one from scratch or copy one from another library.

Run synthtool:

python3 -m synthtool

After synthtool runs successfully:

  • Investigate the changes it made
  • Run the library tests
  • Commit and push the changes to a branch and open a Pull Request

Find examples below in different programming languages (Cloud Tasks API used as an example).


  • Clone the destination repository:
    git clone git@github.com:googleapis/google-cloud-python.git
    cd google-cloud-python/
  • Navigate to the destination directory to generate the library:
    cd tasks/
  • Run synthtool to generate using the existing synth.py file for the Python Client for Cloud Tasks API:
    python3 -m synthtool
  • See the Python Contributing Guide or instructions to install dependencies, run tests, and submit a contribution.


  • Clone the destination repository:
    git clone git@github.com:googleapis/google-cloud-java.git
    cd google-cloud-java/
  • Navigate to the destination directory to generate the library:
    cd google-cloud-clients/google-cloud-tasks/
  • Run synthtool to generate using the existing synth.py file for the Google Cloud Java Client for Cloud Tasks:
    python3 -m synthtool
  • See the Java Contributing Guide or instructions to install dependencies, run tests, and submit a contribution.


  • Clone the destination repository:
    git clone git@github.com:googleapis/nodejs-tasks.git
    cd nodejs-tasks/
  • Run synthtool to generate using the existing synth.py file for the Google Cloud Tasks Node.js Client:
    python3 -m synthtool
  • See the Node.js Contributing Guide or instructions to install dependencies, run tests, and submit a contribution.


  • Clone the destination repository:
    git clone git@github.com:googleapis/google-cloud-php.git
    cd google-cloud-php/
  • Navigate to the destination directory to generate the library:
    cd Tasks/
  • Run synthtool to generate using the existing synth.py file for the Google Cloud Tasks client for PHP:
    python3 -m synthtool
  • See the PHP Contributing Guide or instructions to install dependencies, run tests, and submit a contribution.


  • Clone the destination repository:
    git clone git@github.com:googleapis/google-cloud-ruby.git
    cd google-cloud-ruby/
  • Navigate to the destination directory to generate the library:
    cd google-cloud-tasks/
  • Run synthtool to generate using the existing synth.py file for the Ruby Client for Cloud Tasks API:
    python3 -m synthtool
  • See the Ruby Contributing Guide or instructions to install dependencies, run tests, and submit a contribution.



SynthTool supports template files using Jinja.

Templates are found in subdirectories of synthtool/gcp/templates/ for each language,

You can generate and copy templates using gcp.CommonTemplates in your synth.py:

common_templates = gcp.CommonTemplates()

templates = common_templates.node_library()

You can provide variables to templates as keyword arguments to the library generation method:

common_templates = gcp.CommonTemplates()

templates = common_templates.node_library(version=5, show_version=True, previous_versions=[1,2,3,4])


Template files can access any values provided, e.g.

  • README.md.j2
    {% if show_version %}
    The version is {{ version }}
    {% if previous versions is defined %}
    Previous versions:
      {% for ver in previous_versions %}
      - {{ ver }}
      {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

You can learn more about Jinga templating in the Template Designer Documentation.


SynthTool supports generation from googleapis/googleapis-private.

gapic = gcp.GAPICGenerator()

library = gapic.node_library('speech', 'v1', private=True)

2FA is required to clone a private repo.

  • Using SSH: Before running Synthtool, set the environment variable AUTOSYNTH_USE_SSH to true.

The repo will be cloned using SSH.

When GitHub prompts for your GitHub password, provide the access token instead.

synthtool > Cloning googleapis-private.
Username for 'https://github.com': busunkim96
Password for 'https://busunkim96@github.com':

Artman Version

SynthTool uses the latest version of the Artman Docker image. You can change this by setting the environment variable SYNTHTOOL_ARTMAN_VERSION to the desired version tag.


Local Googleapis

SynthTool supports generation from a local copy of googleapis. Specify the path togoogleapis in the environment variable SYNTHTOOL_GOOGLEAPIS.

export SYNTHTOOL_GOOGLEAPIS=path/to/local/googleapis

Include .proto files

SynthTool supports copying .proto API definition files from googleapis.

gapic = gcp.GAPICGenerator()

library = gapic.node_library('speech', 'v1', include_protos=True)

Helpful tips

Where does the generated code go?

SynthTool will run Artman which will create generated code that can be found at ~/.cache/synthtool/googleapis<-private>/artman_genfiles. This is useful for figuring out what it is you need to copy for your specific library.