
Short script for analyzing base-editing-outcomes in Dow Lab screen.

Primary LanguagePython

Processing Sensor Outcomes

This script processes raw data from a sensor based base editing screen into a mapping from sgRNAs to editing outcomes. In particular, the script uses raw, paired-end read data to classify the editing events that resulted in the observed target sites. It is assumes that the sensor screen has the following structure:

left-scaffold --- sgrna --- middle-scaffold --- target-site --- right-scaffold 

and that the sgRNA region remains unedited during the screen. Reads with edited sgRNA regions are thrown out as errors.

Script execution

To run the script, first compile the program with lein using

lein with-profile prod uberjar

Then, run the following command to analyze the raw read data.

$ java -jar analysis.jar 
Usage: java -jar analyze-fastqs rep1 ... repN [options]

  -o, --output FILE                   Output file (REQUIRED).
  -w, --whitelist WHITELIST           Whitelist file for screen (REQUIRED).
  -c, --config CONFIG                 Configuration file describing sensor and whitelist structure (REQUIRED).
  -f, --format OUTPUT_FORMAT  TARGET  Output either only target cytosine or all cytosines.
  -h, --help

Expects FASTq files consisting of the paired end reads
for each replicate.