
This project demonstrates performance difference between Kotlin and C++ implementations regarding SQLite operations on iOS and Android.

It contains Kotlin Multiplatform Project including SQLDelight and an Swift XCode project with framework containing C++ SQLite wrapper (which also includes Objective C wrapper for Swift - C++ interop).

Both Kotlin and C++ use the same SQLChipher 3.4.2 linked to XCode project via Cocoapods.

Performance test includes bulk inserts of 100 000 entities (using INSERT) and reading them into native structures afterwards (using SELECT)

iOS: perfomance results using iPhone SE and SQLDelight 1.5.0

Debug configuration

Op Kotlin C++
INSERT ~17sec ~3sec
SELECT ~3sec ~0.4sec

Release configuration

Op Kotlin C++
INSERT ~4.7sec ~0.75sec
SELECT ~0.77sec ~0.15sec

Update 2024 - Performance results using iPhone 8 and SQLDelight 2.0.2

Debug configuration

Op Kotlin C++
INSERT ~2.35sec ~0.87sec
SELECT ~1.08sec ~0.13sec

Release configuration

Op Kotlin* C++
INSERT ~0.47sec ~0.22sec
SELECT ~0.46sec ~0.05sec

* There is also a comparison of Release performance SQLDelight 1.5.0 vs 2.0.2, where 2.0.2 is faster on INSERT and 1.5.0 is faster on SELECT:

Op 1.5.0 2.0.2
INSERT ~0.79sec ~0.47sec
SELECT ~0.27sec ~0.46sec

Android: performance results using Nexus 5 (API 24) Simulator and SQLDelight 2.0.2

TODO: add results