
This is the companion repo to the Kafka and Streams intro a IWOMM in London on April 25, 2018.

To start a mini cluster on your machine, you'll need docker-compose and docker. just run

docker-compose up

to start the cluster.

Exec into a kafka node and run

kafka-topics --create --if-not-exists --zookeeper zookeeper.internal-service:2181 --replication-factor 3 --partitions 1 --topic articles

The converter SBT project contains a few tests:

  • SimplePubSubServiceTest requires a running cluster and produces and consumes messages from teh cluster
  • SimpleKafkaServiceTests demonstrates a simple Kafka Streams application with Mocking Support
  • KafkaStreamTranslatorTest demonstrates using streaming to connect to external APIs, in this case GoogleTranslate, for which you will need valid credentials


KafkaStreamsTranslator is a simple KafkaStreams app, which translates text using Google Translate into english. You will need a valid GCP API key.