
ethlint/solium hook for the pre-commit framework

Primary LanguageClojure


This repository contains an ethlint/solium hook for the pre-commit framework.


Add the following to .pre-commit-config.yaml:

- repo: https://github.com/schmir/ethlint-pre-commit.git
  rev: 0.3.0
  - id: ethlint

Configuration file

The hook reads ethlint's soliumrc.json file as configuration file. If the file doesn't live at the repositories root directory, the path can be specified with the --config argument.

The hook does not read the .soliumignore file. Please use pre-commit's exclude key instead.

The following snippet shows how to exclude files and how to specify a different location of ethlint's config file:

- repo: https://github.com/schmir/ethlint-pre-commit.git
  rev: 0.3.0
  - id: ethlint
    exclude: ^contracts/contracts/lib/
    args: ["--config", "contracts/.soliumrc.json"]