
your own personal JVM psychopomp

Primary LanguageClojure

Do you tarnish your Clojure with the occasional hint of Java? Have you become indescribably tired of reloading your REPL every time you change anything with a .java suffix? Look no further.

In your project.clj or ~/.lein/profiles.clj, add this:

{:plugins [[lein-virgil "0.1.7"]]}

Now, as if by magic, every time the .java files on your :java-source-paths change, they will be recompiled within your REPL and all the namespaces that rely on those files will be reloaded. A helpful message will be printed out, including any compilation errors you may have introduced along the way (these are written to stdout, so they may show up in a different buffer than your REPL).

Happy tarnishing.


Copyright © 2016 Zachary Tellman

Distributed under the MIT License