
JAX-RS cache control finally became easy! Add Cache-Control and Expires Headers to all your responses with just one annotation.

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JAX-RS Cache Control Filter

JAX-RS cache control finally became easy! Add Cache-Control or Expires headers to all your responses with a simple annotation.

To get started, add the following dependency from jitpack:



For Cache-Control, annotate your service Method with @CacheControlled and pass all the @CacheControlDirectives you want to use as an array.

@CacheControlled({@CacheControlDirective(name=MAX_AGE, value="100")})
public Response getMyEntity(){
    MyEntity e = new MyEntity();
    return Response.ok(e).build();

The Cache-Control header is automatically added to your Response using JAX-RS CacheControl.


For Expires, annotate your service Method with @Expires and pass a RFC 1123 Datetime describing when your resource expires.

@Expires("Tue, 3 Jun 2008 11:05:30 GMT")
public Response getMyEntity(){
    MyEntity e = new MyEntity();
    return Response.ok(e).build();

The Expiresheader is automatically added to your Response.


  • All the functionality is only applied if your ResponseĀ“s status code is 200 and the Request Method was GET.
  • If you don't use class path scanning (hint: you shouldn't), you need to list de.tobiaslarscheid.cache.CacheControlFilter.class and/or de.tobiaslarscheid.cache.ExpiresFilter.class in your Rest Application. (Or whereever else you register your resource classes)
  • If you want to add ETags to complete your caching, you should have a look at JAX-RS ETag Filter
