
The project of Team 3 in Software Engineering Lab 2016

Primary LanguageC++

#Team 3

How to run

Run all nodes using the following command: roslaunch wall_following_strategy wallFollowingSimulator.launch rviz -d ``rospack find movement``/rviz/basic.rviz

If you want to change the world for the simulator, please choose between lab-competition01.world, lab-competition02.world and lab-competition03.world(line 11 in wallFollowingSimulator.launch). Keep in mind that for successful run you need to change halfCircleRadius parameter in wallFollowingSimulator.launch:

  • lab-competition01.world has value 0.30
  • lab-competition02.world has value 0.25
  • lab-competition03.world has value 0.18

For lab-competition01.world you also need to set the minCirclePercentage value to 0.40.

If ROS tells you that no package with the name "lab_simulator" exists, you may have forgotten to source your workspace. Fix it by:

source devel/setup.bash

The robot should then start moving along the first wall it finds, eventually finding the semicircle.


For testing you have to be at the workspace root and then you can run test cases by doing the following:

catkin_make run_tests