
You Can Copy This Book But You Cannot Read It Twice

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Art Is Not an Object

You can copy this book but you cannot read it twice.

  • A book containing 12 koans.
  • A book of 12 variations.
  • A book with 12 generated illustrations.

Steps Towards Completion

Generated URL schema

  • Each generation of a book generates a URL scheme. If the schemes are generated sequentally, all varations of the book can be read.
  • Each generation has sequential page numbers. In other words, the URL is meaningful.
    • Within the URL generation, it is clear what variations have been produced.
    • Within the URL generation, it is clear what variations has yet to be produced.

Strategies For Publishing

  • Generate epub export (different generation each time)

Page 1 Generated Image, Page 2 Static Paragraph

Export to epub

Basic Book in [Pollen](https://docs.racket-lang.org/pollen/)


Pollen’s lozenge on Linux: Ctrl+Shift+U, then 25CA, then Enter