
Docker Container for Yii 2.0 Basic Application

Primary LanguageShell

Docker Container for Yii 2.0

‼️ We've released docker-yii2-app an updated version of a minimalistic Yii 2.0 application template.

Basic App Template

Note! This docker container was created as a very basic Yii2 example.

If you would like to use a Yii 2.0 Framework application with a Docker-optimized setup based on environment variables, you should have a look at phd5.


Get it from Docker Hub!

docker pull schmunk42/yii2-app-basic

Run the container

docker run -p 8888:80 schmunk42/yii2-app-basic

Open (Linnx) or (OS X, Windows) in your browser.

Use Ctrl+c to stop the process, you can also start the docker process in the background, by adding the -d or --detach option.


Copy the applictaion template from the image to your host, the following command will create a myapp app folder in your working directory.

docker run \
    -v `pwd`/myapp:/app-install \
    schmunk42/yii2-app-basic \
    cp -a /app/. /app-install

Now as you have the source-code on your host system, mount the application as volume an re-run the container

cd myapp

docker run -d -p 8888:80 \
    -v `pwd`:/app \
    --name myapp \

Access the application under the URLs mentioned above, you can directly edit the files of your application or run commands like

docker exec myapp ./yii

directly off the running container.
