- 5
- 5
Unable to locate message source for category 'cruds'.
#229 opened by akiraz2 - 8
- 4
$aliasModel in model template
#266 opened by mj4444ru - 0
- 2
useClassConstant not work
#299 opened by wigginskuang - 0
Exception 'TypeError' with message 'key(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given'
#297 opened by KevinVanH - 4
type errors
#293 opened by yiqing-95 - 4
Assign unique key to each rule in generated model
#208 opened by mohdqasim98 - 1
Error: Unknown option: --useTimestampBehavior.
#291 opened by wigginskuang - 3
method_exists(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be of type object|string, array given
#288 opened by ahmadfadlydziljalal - 1
Remove Bootstrap 3 To Bootstrap 4
#279 opened by ahmadfadlydziljalal - 6
- 0
#274 opened by Ddoiron-cidco - 0
check dmstr dependencies
#269 opened by schmunk42 - 2
--useSchemaName not implemented
#264 opened by bwragg - 18
Error using --providerList and possible fix
#265 opened by bwragg - 1
Unable to install @stable - Conflict betwwen Yii2-Gii and Current Version
#259 opened by IvandaNothabeer - 8
How to create AccessFilter?
#256 opened by thadudexx - 1 outdated
#250 opened by sebathi - 22
Unable to install - mismatch between giiant's required version for yii2-gii and current verions
#251 opened by larry-tx - 1
- 5
Generator name is empty ... Class c006\utility\migration\Module does not exist
#243 opened by jplozgom - 1
yii gii/giiant-module... Code not generated...
#239 opened by chatoxz - 3
Possibility of XSS Attack
#236 opened by maximilianoraul - 3
Class 'kartik\grid\EditableColumnAction' not found
#231 opened by akiraz2 - 1
- 2
- 1
- 0
StringHelper does not exist in JsonEditor provider
#205 opened by cebe - 1
Getting unknown property: schmunk42\giiant\generators\model\Generator::generateQuery
#209 opened by mavs1971 - 0
Apply button
#214 opened by schmunk42 - 0
Relations empty in index view
#217 opened by luizcelso - 1
Saved data form is not displayed properly
#216 opened by adipriyantobpn - 1
ReflectionException method does not exist
#218 opened by lowap - 2
CRUD Views aren't there, but Giiant says they are
#223 opened by larry-tx - 1
View not Found in Giiant Test
#230 opened by akiraz2 - 2
Illegal string offset 'class'
#222 opened by larry-tx - 8
Giiant model create doesn't work with * in table name for creating models for all tables
#196 opened by atishhamte - 4
Remove translation in CRUD
#190 opened by larry-tx - 2
- 2
Skip or rename blameable relations for models
#199 opened by csminb - 1
- 4
- 2
Skip method 'getAttributeHint' is missing in schmunk42\giiant\generators\crud\ModelTrait
#194 opened by iurijacob - 2
- 5
Model name is not applying to generated file name
#176 opened by StalkAlex - 0
Documentation updates
#182 opened by schmunk42 - 1
Generate Access Filter Migrations
#179 opened by garthpmurray - 0
support generateRelationsFromCurrentSchema (when yii2-gii 2.0.6 or 2.1.0 is released)
#175 opened by schmunk42