
📆 colander - filtering your calendar

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

📆 colander - filtering your calendar

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Colander filters calender in ICS files. It can either be used as standalone application via command line interface or within JVM applications using the API.


  • Download the latest version from Releases.
  • Extract the zip file.
  • Use ist as follows:
  Usage: colander [options] <input.ics> [<output.ics]>
        (optional) Show this message
        Default: false
        Remove calender component when description contains expression
        Default: []
        Remove event when summary, description, start date or end date are the 
        same in another event
        Default: false
        Remove events when summary and description are empty
        Default: false
        Remove calender component when summary contains expression
        Default: []
        Replace in description of calender components (regex)
        Syntax: --replace-descriptionkey=value
        Default: {}
        Replace in summary calender components (regex)
        Syntax: --replace-summarykey=value
        Default: {}
  • Example
colander --remove-summary "Remove, RemoveIncludingLeadingSpace" --remove-summary "Another One to remove" --replace-summary "l.ne=line" cal.ics cal-new.ics
  • Note that
    • filters might refer to specific calender components (such as events). If not otherwise noted, a filter applies to all calender components (tasks, ToDos, Alarms, Venues, etc.)
    • the order of the arguments/filters is not maintained. That is, they are not applied in the order as passed to the CLI.
    • If no output.ics file is passed, colander creates one, basing on the file name and the current timestamp, e.g. input-20170129194742.ics.
    • Colander never overwrites existing files. If the output.ics exists, colander fails.
    • If you care about return codes, they can be found here: ExitStatus)
  • Another example is the integration test for CLI (see ColanderCliITCase).
  • Colander CLI writes logs to the logs folder.


The basic logic of colander is wrapped in the core module. This can be reused in other applications. For now, this is not hosted on maven central, but on your can get it via jitpack.

Add the following maven repository to your POM.xml


Then add the actual dependency


How to use

    .removePropertyContains(Property.SUMMARY, "Remove me")
    .removeDescriptionContains("Remove me 2")
    // Generic replace in property
    .replaceInProperty(Property.DESCRIPTION, "L.ne", "Line")
    // Convenience: replace in property summary
    .replaceInSummary("Replace", "Replace!")
    .filter(event -> {
        return Optional.of(event);

Under the hood, colander uses ical4j. You can get an instance of the result like so

Calendar cal = Colander.toss("/some/input.ics")
    // ...

More examples can be found in the