How is track height determined?
KewinOgink opened this issue · 4 comments
Hello, I noticed that I have a region with several SNP tracks, where I know the amount of SNPs per track (written here for 2.3-2.4Mb and I use the same bin width of 1kb for all tracks. However, the number/sum of variants is not matching the visualization:
I then made a dummy file to investigate using bin width 4 and 3 tracks with different densities
%%writefile ../tmp/plotsr/fake_1_per_10.bed
chrA01 0 1
chrA01 10 11
chrA01 20 21
chrA01 30 31
chrA01 40 41
chrA01 50 51
%%writefile ../tmp/plotsr/fake_2_per_10.bed
chrA01 1 2
chrA01 2 3
chrA01 10 11
chrA01 11 12
chrA01 20 21
chrA01 21 22
chrA01 30 31
chrA01 31 32
chrA01 40 41
chrA01 41 42
chrA01 50 51
chrA01 51 52
%%writefile ../tmp/plotsr/fake_10_per_10.bed
chrA01 0 10
chrA01 21 30
chrA01 41 50
%%writefile ../tmp/plotsr/fake.out
chrA01 0 1000 - - chrA01 0 1000 SYN1 - SYN -
%%writefile ../tmp/plotsr/fake_w4.track
#file name tags
../tmp/plotsr/fake_1_per_10.bed fake_1_per_10 ft:bed;bw:4;nc:black;ns:8;nf:DejaVu Sans;lc:sienna;lw:0.25;bc:lightblue;ba:0.5;tt:f;ti:1
../tmp/plotsr/fake_2_per_10.bed fake_2_per_10 ft:bed;bw:4;nc:black;ns:8;nf:DejaVu Sans;lc:sienna;lw:0.25;bc:lightblue;ba:0.5;tt:f;ti:2
../tmp/plotsr/fake_10_per_10.bed fake_10_per_10 ft:bed;bw:4;nc:black;ns:8;nf:DejaVu Sans;lc:sienna;lw:0.25;bc:lightblue;ba:0.5;tt:f;ti:3
and ran plotsr like this
ml plotsr
plotsr \
--sr ${wd}/fake.out \
--genomes ${wd}/../${sample}.genomes.txt \
--tracks ${wd}/fake_w${track_window_size}.track \
--reg ref:$chrom:1-60 \
-S 0.4 -o R7 -W 10 -H 5 -f 8 -s ${min_sv_size} \
-o $wd/plot_test_${chrom}:1-60_s${min_sv_size}_tracks_w${track_window_size}_h.png
Given the snp density of track 2 is 2x that of track 1, why is the pattern the same? And why does track 3 not show a full brown block, as no matter where the bin starts, it 10 bp spans the bin 2.5x.
I then ran it with bin widht 1 and then I do get this:
This result that looks correct. However, this is not feasible for the entire genome. Any suggestions? I was not sure how/if this relates to #34
Many thanks!
For each track, the height is normalised by the maximum value in that track, i.e., the y-axis for the tracks are on different scales. Fake1 and fake2 have same apparent pattern for BW=4 because the relative distribution along the chromosome is same.
Regarding fake3, consider the row ChrA01:21-30, the corresponding bins of interest would be [20, 21, 22, 23] , [24, 25,26, 27], and [28, 29, 30, 31] and for them the bin value (for the given range in BED file) would be 0.75, 1, and 0.5 respectively (note: in BED file, the start position is included but the end position is not). Therefore, the tracks for ChrA01:21-30 and ChrA01:41-50 are correct. The track for ChrA01:0-10 is wrong and corresponds to ChrA01:1-10. Could you please recheck that the plot that you shared corresponds to the given tracks.
Thanks for the explanation. It makes sense. So if in fake1 1/4 is the highest relative value, this will be ymax, whereas if for fake2 it is 2/4 this will be ymax.
For me it is relevant to have the tracks sharing the same y axis. Therefore, one working (though not ideal) solution is to add a fake full window. I tested it to be both outside (100-110bp) and inside (51-60bp) the plotting range (0-60bp), and found that only if I have the fake full window within the plotting range it works, like this:
%%writefile ../tmp/plotsr/fake_1_per_10.bed
chrA01 1 2
chrA01 11 12
chrA01 21 22
chrA01 31 32
chrA01 41 42
chrA01 51 60
%%writefile ../tmp/plotsr/fake_2_per_10.bed
chrA01 1 2
chrA01 2 3
chrA01 11 12
chrA01 12 13
chrA01 21 22
chrA01 22 23
chrA01 31 32
chrA01 32 33
chrA01 41 42
chrA01 42 43
chrA01 51 60
%%writefile ../tmp/plotsr/fake_10_per_10.bed
chrA01 0 10
chrA01 20 30
chrA01 51 60
And indeed I think perhaps one coordinate was wrong as you pointed out.
I agree, that there is merit in having same yaxis across different tracks. Might be possible to add this feature in future updates.
The commit adds norm
config option for base.cfg that allows to toggle track height normalisation.