
Brawl Stars statistics site

Primary LanguageVue


Statistics site for the Brawl Stars mobile game by Supercell


Development setup

Frontend only

  • Enter web/ and install dependencies: yarn install
  • Register a Brawl Stars API token and set the BRAWLSTARS_TOKEN environment variable or find a proxy and set BRAWLSTARS_URL
  • Register a BrawlApi token and set BRAWLAPI_TOKEN
  • By default, the frontend will use meta statistics and assets from the production services


  • klicker is a package of generic UI components, they can be developed and tested without the frontend
  • Enter klicker/ and install dependencies: yarn install
  • Start storybook: yarn run storybook (https://storybook.js.org/)

Full stack

In addition to the above:

  • Install Docker and run docker compose up in the project root to start both databases
  • Enter the folders scripts/, cube/, media/, render/ and install dependencies: yarn install
  • From inside scripts/, run bash update_assets.sh to download images, translations, etc. for the media service
  • Start the services from their respective folders:
  • Start the web service with MEDIA_URL=http://localhost:3003 RENDER_URL=http://localhost:3005 CUBE_URL=http://localhost:4000 CLICKHOUSE_HOST=localhost BRAWLSTARS_TOKEN=brawlstarstoken BRAWLAPI_TOKEN=brawlapitoken yarn run dev