
Terraform "Infrastructure as Code" (IaC) project to manage my personal cloud infrastructure: DNS, Azure Kubernetes Service cluster, several Kubernetes deployments like Remark42, Plausible Analytics, and more.

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT


This project contains the configuration for my cloud infrastructure, for which I use Terraform, an open-source infrastructure-as-code tool.

You can find additional info about some of the code on my blog:

Local Development

Connect to Postgres

This project also manages Postgres databases. Before being able to apply changes, connect to Postgres by running:

kubectl port-forward service/postgres-svc --namespace postgres 5432:5432


Use the Azure CLI to authenticate to Azure to interactively run Terraform:

az login

For GitHub and Cloudflare, use personal access tokens (PAT) and put them into the following environment variables:

  • GITHUB_TOKEN with public_repo scope
  • CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN with Zone.Zone and Zone.DNS permissions.

Terraform Input Variables

Terraform input variables to configure the deployment are defined inside the variables.tf file.

Use the tfinfracorekv37 key vault to store sensitive Terraform variable values. It enhances operational security because storing secrets in plaintext files or environment variables can be avoided. The map-kv-to-env-vars.ps1 convenience script maps the TF-VAR-* key vault secrets to TF_VAR_* environment variables. The mappings are not persisted and are only available within the PowerShell session that executed the script.

.\map-kv-to-env-vars.ps1 -KeyVault tfinfracorekv37

To access the key vault, the user requires the following role assignments:

  • Key Vault Administrator and Key Vault Secrets Officer roles to manage secrets
  • Key Vault Secrets User to read secrets

I like to manage these role assignments with the Azure Portal and not add them to the Terraform state.

Initialize the Terraform Backend

Initialize the Terraform azurerm backend:

terraform init \
  -backend-config="resource_group_name=terraform-rg" \
  -backend-config="storage_account_name=tfinfracorest37" \
  -backend-config="container_name=terraform-backend" \


terraform plan -out infrastructure-core.tfplan
terraform apply infrastructure-core.tfplan

Replace the AKS cluster and re-create the Kubernetes resources

terraform destroy -target module.postgres
terraform destroy -target module.kubernetes
terraform apply -target module.kubernetes.helm_release.cert_manager #CRDs
terraform apply -target module.kubernetes
terraform apply

Terraform Resource Overview

The configuration is split into three Terraform modules because the official Kubernetes provider documentation discourages stacking Kubernetes cluster infrastructure with Kubernetes resources.

Each module contains the following base files:

File Description
main.tf Terraform requirements and shared module resources
outputs.tf Terraform Outputs
variables.tf Terraform Input Variables


Core infrastructure.

File Description
aks.tf Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster resources
backup-truenas.tf Azure storage account containers used for TrueNAS cloud sync tasks
backup.tf Azure backup vault to protect blob storage for Terraform state
cloudflare.tf Common Cloudflare DNS records and Page Rules
terraform-backend.tf Azure storage configuration for Terraform Remote State and Azure Key Vault for Terraform secrets


Kubernetes resources that are stacked on top of the AKS cluster defined in the core module.

File Description
cert-manager.tf cert-manager
hello.tf "Hello World" app
letsencrypt.tf Let's Encrypt cert-manager ClusterIssuers
matrix-synapse.tf Matrix Synapse homeserver and Synpase Admin UI
plausible.tf Plausible Analytics
postgres.tf PostgreSQL
remark42.tf Remark42
traefik-v2.tf Traefik Proxy


PostgreSQL resources that are stacked on top of the PostgreSQL deployment defined in the kubernetes module.

File Description
matrix-synapse.tf Matrix Synapse database and user
plausible.tf Plausible database and user

Related Repositories

To back up the Kubernetes Services (Matrix Synapse, Plausible, Remark42), I run a custom set of scripts with cron on my TrueNAS daily. You can find the scripts in the following repo:
