Swagger implementation for Ring using Prismatic Schema for data models and coercion.
- Provides functions to create Swagger Resource listing, Api declarations and the Swagger-UI.
- Schema extensions for modelling, coercion and Swagger JSON Schema generation
- Does not cover how the routes and models are actually collected from your web app
- Provides a Map-based API for web libs to create Swagger Spec out of their route definitions
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.10.2"]
- Compojure-Api for Compojure
- fnhouse-swagger for fnhouse
If your favourite web lib doesn't have an client adapter, you could write an it yourself. Here's howto:
- Define routes to serve the
(and optionally thering.swagger.ui/swagger-ui
) - Create code to collect routes from your web lib and to pass them to Ring-Swagger fns. Sample adapter Here
- Publish it.
- Pull Request to list your adapter here
From version 0.9.0
onwards, vanilla schema.core/defschema
is used to define the web schemas. See Schema for more details on building the schemas.
The Swagger/JSON Schema Spec 1.2 is more more limited compared to the Clojure Schema, so not all possible Schema predicates and structures are possible to use.
In namespace ring.swagger.schema
there are some helpers for creating the schemas.
Clojure | JSON Schema | Sample |
Long , s/Int |
integer, int64 | 1 |
Double |
number, double | 1.2 |
String , s/Str , Keyword, s/Keyword |
string | "kikka" |
Boolean |
boolean | true |
nil , s/Any |
void | |
java.util.Date , org.joda.time.DateTime |
string, date-time | "2014-02-18T18:25:37.456Z" , consumes also without millis: "2014-02-18T18:25:37Z" |
org.joda.time.LocalDate |
string, date | "2014-02-19" |
(s/enum X Y Z) |
type of X, enum(X,Y,Z) | |
(s/maybe X) |
type of X | |
(s/both X Y Z) |
type of X | |
(s/recursive Var) |
Ref to (model) Var | |
(s/eq X) |
type of class of X | |
(s/optional-key X) |
optional key | |
(s/required-key X) |
required key | |
s/Keyword (as a key) |
ignored in visualizations |
- Vectors, Sets and Maps can be used as containers
- Maps are presented as Complex Types and References. Model references are resolved automatically.
- Nested maps are transformed automatically into flat maps with generated child references
- Nested maps can be within valid containers (as only element - heregenous schema sequences not supported by the spec)
(can't work with the swagger 1.2 json schema?)s/conditional
these should work, just need the mappings (feel free to contribute!):
Ring-swagger utilizes Schema coercions for transforming the input data into vanilla Clojure and back.
(require '[schema.core :as s])
(require '[ring.swagger.schema :refer [coerce!]])
(s/defschema Bone {:size Long
:animal (s/enum :cow :tyrannosaurus)})
(coerce! Bone {:size 12
:animal :cow})
; {:animal :cow, :size 12}
(coerce! Bone {:animal :sheep})
; ExceptionInfo throw+: {:type :ring.swagger.schema/validation, :error {:animal (not (#{:tyrannosaurus :cow} :sheep)), :size missing-required-key}} ring.swagger.schema/coerce! (schema.clj:114)
There are two modes for coercions: json and query:
- numbers ->
- string -> Keyword
- string ->
- vectors -> Sets
extends the json-coercion with the following transformations:
- string -> Long
- string -> Double
- string -> Boolean
(require '[ring.swagger.schema :refer [coerce coerce!]])
(require '[schema.core :as s])
(s/defschema Country {:code (s/enum :fi :sv)
:name String})
; #'user/Country
(s/defschema Customer {:id Long
:name String
(s/optional-key :address) {:street String
:country Country}})
; #'user/Customer
; {:code (enum :fi :sv), :name java.lang.String}
; {:id java.lang.Long, :name java.lang.String, #schema.core.OptionalKey{:k :address} {:street java.lang.String, :country {:code (enum :fi :sv), :name java.lang.String}}}
(def matti {:id 1 :name "Matti Mallikas"})
(def finland {:code :fi :name "Finland"})
(coerce Customer matti)
; {:name "Matti Mallikas", :id 1}
(coerce Customer (assoc matti :address {:street "Leipätie 1":country finland}))
; {:address {:country {:name "Finland", :code :fi}, :street "Leipätie 1"}, :name "Matti Mallikas", :id 1}
(coerce Customer {:id 007})
; #schema.utils.ErrorContainer{:error {:name missing-required-key}}
(coerce! Customer {:id 007})
; ExceptionInfo throw+: {:type :ring.swagger.schema/validation, :error {:name missing-required-key}} ring.swagger.schema/coerce! (schema.clj:89)
JSON Schema generation is implemented using multimethods. You can register your own schema types by installing new methods to the multimethods.
(require '[ring.swagger.core :as swagger])
(require '[schema.core :as s])
(defmethod swagger/json-type-class s/Maybe [e] (swagger/->json (:schema e)))
(require '[ring.swagger.core :as swagger])
(require '[schema.core :as s])
(defmethod swagger/json-type s/Any [_] {:type "string"})
- web schema validation ("can this be transformed to json & back")
- pluggable web schemas (protocol to define both json generation & coercion)
- consumes
- authorization
- support for Files
- non-json produces & consumes
- full spec
Pull Requests welcome. Please run the tests (lein midje
) and make sure they pass before you submit one.
Copyright © 2014 Metosin Oy
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.