
Export one or more AsePrite files in multiple PNG files per Layer.

Primary LanguageC#

AsePrite Layers Exporter
This is a very simple helper produced for single use for my toolchain. It may work, may not. 

No support for functionality and further development.

Tested with Aseprite

Goal of the little Tool: 
Export one or more AsePrite files in multiple PNG files per Layer. 

How it works:
- Add your AseFiles and desired configuation to "AseFileConfiguration.json" (for example, by using http://www.jsoneditoronline.org/)
- If needed
	- Set the FilePath to your AsePrite installation in App.config (for exmple: c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Aseprite\\Aseprite.exe)
	- Set the FileName to your AseFileConfiguration.Json file (for example AseFileConfiguration-Demo.json)
- Run the Tool and enjoy

You can freely use/distribute this project in any way possible with the exception of selling it on it's own.