
A Duplex stream which collects all chunks passed through

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

stream-recorder Dependencies Status Image Build Status Image Coverage Status

A Duplex stream which collects all chunks passed through.

npm install stream-recorder --save


Streams of strings

Then pipe through a recorder instance and retrieve the buffer:

var Recorder = require('stream-recorder'),
    streamFromArray = require('stream-from-array'), // npm install stream-from-array
    input = ['foo', 'bar'];

    // it's not an object stream, so buffer is a node buffer
    console.log(buffer.toString()); // output: foobar
  .resume(); // switch into flowing-mode (!)

Test your Gulpplugins with stream-recorder

Gulp files are vinyl files:

npm install vinyl
var streamFromValue = require('stream-from-value');

var File = require('vinyl');

var helloFile = new File({
      cwd: '/',
      base: '/hello/',
      path: '/hello/world.js',
      contents: new Buffer('console.log("Hello world!");')

describe('yourAwsomeGulpPlugin', function() {
  it('should process gulp (vinyl) files', function(done) {

      .pipe(Recorder.obj(function(buffer) {
        // it's an object stream, so buffer is an array - of gulp files
        console.log(buffer[0].contents); // dunno what yourAwsomeGulpPlugin does :-)
      .resume(); // switch into flowing-mode (!)



Class: StreamRecorder

StreamRecorder are Transform streams.

new StreamRecorder([options], [finishCallback])

  • options Object passed through new stream.Transform([options])
  • finishCallback Function (buffer) This Callback is called during the finish event of StreamRecorder

Note: The new operator can be omitted.


  • In objectMode it is the array of JavaScript values (number | object | string | ... ) passed through
  • Otherwise it is a node Buffer which contains the values of strings and buffers passed through

StreamRecorder#obj([options], [finishCallback])

A convenience wrapper for new StreamRecorder({objectMode: true, ...}, finishCallback).


Copyright (c) 2014 Michael Mayer

Licensed under the MIT license.