
PayTM Ruby library for merchants API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Paytm Merchant Gem Version

This is a ruby library(and not just rails gem) for PayTM Merchant transactions API. You can easily integrate you application to pay your users/winners by calling Paytm.new({amount: 110, phone: '7777777777'}).transfer


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'paytm-merchant'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install paytm-merchant


To setup, first initialize the library with credentials.

require 'paytm/merchant'

Paytm.config do |paytm|
  # paytm.api_base_uri = 'Some Base URI' # Default is staging api URI fpr paytm
  paytm.merchant_guid = 'Paytm Merchant Guid'
  paytm.aes_key = 'Paytm AES Key'
  paytm.sales_wallet_id = 'Paytm Sales Wallet Id'

For Rails

$ rails generate paytm_setup

The above line will create a paytm.rb file initializes directory where you can update the credentials.


Create paytm object of Paytm class.

paytm_obj = Paytm.new(
  amount: 120,
  recipient: 'some user',
  phone: '7777777777',
  email: 'user@example.com'


paytm_obj.transfer         # Returns the HTTParty response object

You can specify different options for transfer

  request_type:         nil,                              # +nil+ for normal transfer request
  merchant_order_id:    'Unique id per transaction',      # Default order id is made using phone number and current timestamp
  sales_wallet_name:    'As per your paytm credentials',  # Leave blank if not known
  payee_sso_id:         'As per your paytm credentials',  # Leave blank if not known
  applied_to_new_users: 'Y',                              # 'Y' or 'N'; Whether to create paytm account for new phone no.
  amount:                150,
  currency_code:        'INR'                             # Currency code specified by Paytm. Default 'INR'
  metadata:             'Test Transaction',               # Extra details to be sent for transaction
  ip_address:           '',                      # As you want
  verify:               true                              # true or false for SSL verification by OpenSSL for request



Check Transaction

paytm_obj.new.check_transaction_status_for('515571')      # First agrument is paytm wallet txn id recieved in txn response

You can specify different options

  '515571',                                       # This id is the id as per in +transaction_id_type+ option
    transaction_id_type: :paytm_transaction_id,   # Possible values, :paytm_transaction_id, :merchant_order_id, :refund_reference_id. Default is :paytm_transaction_id
    transaction_type: 'salestouser',              # Possible values as per Paytm API





Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/schnmudgal/paytm-merchant. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.