
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Install python3, and the following packages:
    - pyqtgraph
    - numpy
    - bitstruct
    - si_prefix

Run with:

$ ./schedplot.py -h

And you'll get the following usage string:

usage: schedplot.py [-h] [--isolate_core ISOLATE_CORE]
                    [--ignore_threads [IGNORE_THREADS [IGNORE_THREADS ...]]]
                    [--keep_threads [KEEP_THREADS [KEEP_THREADS ...]]]
                    [--label_putchar] [--show_deadlines]
                    [--modeswitch_overhead MODESWITCH_OVERHEAD]
                    [--logbuf_overhead LOGBUF_OVERHEAD]
                    [--clock_speed CLOCK_SPEED]

Plot and perform metrics on scheduler dumps

positional arguments:
  in_filename           Filename of scheduler dump to process

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --isolate_core ISOLATE_CORE
                        Only display readings from this core
  --ignore_threads [IGNORE_THREADS [IGNORE_THREADS ...]]
                        Don't create thread events with these TCB names
  --keep_threads [KEEP_THREADS [KEEP_THREADS ...]]
                        Only create thread events with these TCB names
  --label_putchar       Display seL4_DebugPutChar calls inline with scheduling
  --show_deadlines      Display sporadic task model implicit deadlines on top
                        of task traces
  --modeswitch_overhead MODESWITCH_OVERHEAD
                        Measured modeswitch overhead (in + out) in cycles
  --logbuf_overhead LOGBUF_OVERHEAD
                        Measured overhead of log buffer (minus modeswitch
                        overhead) in cycles
  --clock_speed CLOCK_SPEED
                        CPU clock speed in Hz (498MHz [sabre] default!)