Shared config for changelogen
npm i --save-dev @schoero/eslint-config
Create a changelog.config.js
with the following content:
export * from "@schoero/changelog-config";
Add the following scripts to the package.json
"postrelease:alpha": "npm run postrelease",
"postrelease:beta": "npm run postrelease",
"postrelease:latest": "eslint --fix package.json && markdownlint-cli2-fix ''",
"prerelease:alpha": "npm run test -- --run && npm run build",
"prerelease:beta": "npm run test -- --run && npm run build",
"prerelease:latest": "npm run test -- --run && npm run build",
"publish:alpha": "npm run publish:latest -- --publishTag alpha",
"publish:beta": "npm run publish:latest -- --publishTag beta",
"publish:latest": "changelogen gh release && changelogen --publish",
"release:alpha": "npm run release -- --prerelease alpha",
"release:beta": "npm run release -- --prerelease beta",
"release:latest": "changelogen --bump --output --no-tag"