
unwritten automatically generates documentation from your JavaScript or TypeScript library by utilizing JSDoc comments and the TypeScript compiler.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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unwritten is a cli tool to automatically generate documentation from your JavaScript or TypeScript library by utilizing JSDoc comments and the TypeScript compiler to extract types and relevant information.


This project is at a really early stage and currently under heavy development. It is not feature complete and it may not or only partially work with your project. You have been warned.


npm i unwritten


unwritten <path/to/entry-file.ts> [options]


--output <path/to/output/file-name>     # Specify the output directory and the
-o <path/to/output/file-name>           # file name. Defaults to ./docs/api 
                                        # based on the current working 
                                        # directory.

--tsconfig <path/to/tsconfig.json>      # Provide a tsconfig file used to
-t <path/to/tsconfig.json>              # compile your project. unwritten will
                                        # try to find the tsconfig by itself if
                                        # no tsconfig.json is provided.

--config <path/to/.unwritten.json>      # Provide an unwritten config used to
-c <path/to/.unwritten.json>            # render the documentation. unwritten
                                        # will try to find the .unwritten.json
                                        # config by itself if none is provided
                                        # or uses the default config.

--renderer <md | html | json>           # Choose the format of the rendered 
-r <md | html | json>                   # output. Defaults to `md` for markdown.
                                        # It is also possible to provide a
                                        # custom renderer by providing the path
                                        # to the file that default exports the 
                                        # renderer.

--silent                                # Disables any console output.

--debug                                 # Enables verbose console output.

--version                               # Returns the installed unwritten
-v                                      # version.


You can configure how your documentation will be rendered using a configuration file. The simplest way to create such a configuration file is by using the following command:

unwritten init

This will create a .unwritten.json file in the current working directory with the default configuration. You can change or remove any of the options in the configuration file.