
Code for Abeysuriya et al. "A biophysical model of dynamic balancing of excitation and inhibition in fast oscillatory large-scale networks"

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Code to perform simulations in

Abeysuriya et. al. "A biophysical model of dynamic balancing of excitation and inhibition in fast oscillatory large-scale networks"

Project structure

The project is built on two levels

  • integrate_wc.m is an integrator that takes in all the parameters of the model/system and integration settings, and outputs the solution of the system. To perform basic simulations or to build on the work, we would suggest starting here.
  • The code in the +ra folder which facilitates constructing the inputs for integrate_wc, scanning over parameter values, and performing the analysis. Note that this code was built to integrate into a larger simulation engine, and it is thus somewhat more complicated. We envisage the primary use of this code as being to perform the simulations shown in the paper, or to make minor changes (e.g. different parameter values).



Basic simulation

  • Matlab (tested on R2016a and R2017a).

Whole-brain simulations and analysis

  • Matlab Signal Processing Toolbox and Stats toolbox
  • Fieldtrip - To set up Fieldtrip, decompress data_files/fieldtrip.tar.bz2, add that folder to the Matlab path, and run ft_defaults
  • MEG-ROI-nets - To set up ROInets, decompress data_files/roinets.tar.bz2 and add the MEG-ROI-nets folder to the path

You could alternatively satisfy the Fieldtrip and MEG-ROI-nets dependencies by installing OSL (see https://ohba-analysis.github.io/osl-docs/ or https://github.com/OHBA-analysis/), which also provides a range of functionality to facilitate plotting and analysis of experimental data.


Add the main folder (the one containing +ra) to the path, or just work in that directory.


See examples.m. Note that the ordering of the ROIs in the original code and in the paper are different. Image plots need to use ra.analysis.reorder_matrix to change the ordering. The supplementary material online has had this reordering already applied. The files provided with this code (in the data_files folder) use the original ordering.

The original simulations were performed in Matlab with a MEX-compiled C++ simulation engine. The implementation here is a more recent pure Matlab implementation that we have verified produces identical results to within numerical precision. This engine scales differently to the C++ implementation, and is significantly faster than the original code for whole-brain networks. Because the most interesting parameters result in chaotic dynamics, these numerical differences cause the timecourses to come out differently after a moderate period of time (on the order of a few seconds) because transitions between oscillatory states occur at slightly different times, which results in the states diverging rapidly after the first time this occurs. The same effect occurs if the original simulation code is compiled and run on a different platform, although it takes a bit longer (tens of seconds) for the difference to become noticable. While this does affect the ability to produce the exact output as used in the paper, the situation is the same as if a different random seed were used for the noise. The saved simulations for the results in the paper are available on request (they are ~200GB in total and have thus not been included here).

Published simulations sweeping over delay and coupling values were performed using the code in +ra/+sweep as called by the sweeps folder. These map as follows

  • deco_rk4.m - Simulations without ISP e.g. Fig 4a
  • deco_rk4_adjustmean - Simulations with coarse balancing e.g. Fig 9a
  • deco_rk4_isp - Simulations with ISP e.g. Fig 4b
  • deco_rk4_isp_noise_test - Simulations with different noise levels e.g. Fig. S2 in Supplementary Material
  • deco_rk4_isp_target_10_hd - Simulations with low ISP target e.g. Fig. 8a
  • deco_rk4_isp_target_30_hd - Simulations with high ISP target e.g. Fig. 8b

These files are included for reference, but they were called by additional infrastructure specific to the cluster that was used, so won't run directly. See examples.m for how to perform the type of simulations used in the paper using the code provided here.

Included files

  • cortical_network.mat stores the network connectivity. This is the same as the separate files in the supplementary online material. Note that the ordering is different to in the paper. The ROI names are stored internally, e.g.

    net = ra.network.import('cortical_network.mat') net.nodes

Note also that the Coordinates correspond to 8mm MNI coordinates and match those in the parcellation file included in the supplementary material, notwithstanding the reordering.

  • dk_cortical.nii.gz - NIFTI file of the parcellation, with ordering that matches cortical_network.mat
  • dk_cortical.txt - ROI labels, with ordering that matches cortical_network.mat
  • data_fc.mat - The subject-specific alpha band connectivity matrices from data
  • fig_5_simulation - Precomputed results for the simulation shown in Fig. 5
  • isp_means.mat stores the mean value of cie used for the coarsely balanced simulations in Fig. 9a.

Key objects

There are three key classes that are used by this code, detailed below:


The TimeSeries object provides a range of useful methods for working with time series. See the code for full details, but key functionality includes

  • resample to change the sampling rate
  • trim to remove time from the start or end
  • filter to apply a filter
  • orthogonalize to run the signal orthogonalization routine
  • envelope to compute amplitude envelope and phase timecourses. Can also accept filter and orthogonalization arguments

See also examples.m for how to use this functionality as part of the analysis.


The Model object provides a standard interface to run simulations of networked oscillators, although only the Wilson-Cowan model is provided here. The key usage is

  • wc = ra.model.WilsonCowan(u,net) creates a model object, where u is a unit struct (e.g. returned by ra.unit.deco_10) and net is a network object
  • wc.units stores the unit parameters
  • wc.network stores the network object
  • wc.params stores network level parameters
  • wc.options sets some options for the integration, including integration time (wc.options.tspan) and time step (wc.options.tstep)
  • wc.run() runs the simulation. wc.run('burn',[t1 t2],'downsample',fs) will downsample the output to fs (including an antialiasing filter) and then trim t1 seconds from the start, t2 seconds from the end. Best used together, to remove filter edge artefacts.
  • wc.result contains the output for all nodes
  • wc.excitatory and wc.inhibitory contain the outputs for just the excitatory and inhibitory nodes, respectively
  • wc.extend() initializes the simulation with the current output, thus extending the simulation run
  • wc.plot() will plot the excitatory timeseries, for convenience


The Network object creates different types of networks - graphs where nodes correspond to brain regions. Each edge has a weight and a distance. Each node has a name and associated coordinates (which are of course only meaningful in the case of real brain networks).

  • net = ra.network(cmat,dmat) creates a network given a square connection matrix and distance matrix
  • net = ra.network.null(n) creates a network with n nodes and no edges
  • net = ra.network.uniform(n) creates a fully connected network with n nodes and all possible connections between them (no self connections)
  • net = ra.network.import(n) loads a network from a file (specifically, we provide data_files/cortical_network.mat which is the network used in the paper)
  • [cmat,dmat] = net.netmats() returns connection and distance matrices. Note that the network object has fields net.edges which is an adjacency-list representation of the graph, and the netmats() function converts it to a matrix representation.

Folder structure

  • +ra
    • +analysis Older analysis scripts
    • +data - Functions for processing experimental data
    • +model - Objects for constructing and running simulations
    • +paper - Functions used to generate figures in the paper
    • +plot - Various plotting routines
    • +sweep - Functions used to perform long runs and analysis for the paper
    • +unit - Operating point parameters for Wilson-Cowan
    • +utils - Helper scripts
    • +wc - Some helper functions for working with Wilson-Cowan model objects
    • @network - Implementation of weighted network container class
  • sweeps - Contains driver scripts used to perform runs for the paper
  • data_files - Additional content, described above in 'Included files'