Extract recipes from websites, calculates cooking times, collects nutrition info from USDA database
- adriennefrankeStratasan
- ashleycribbUNC Wilmington
- bodigital
- CodeApex
- D-Raj@DeepMind
- davemorroFlare, Slate
- DenvernoellProvost & Pritchard Consulting Group
- diogothug
- doctafaustus
- GeonMooUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- GeorgeL9PodcastDb
- Howuhh
- hur1can3Grand Rapids, MI
- jaredbidlow
- jasonparekh
- Javdu10France
- jsvde
- kevinoldGiggs, LLC
- kevinsegalSegal Industries
- kik-o@gowebstacks
- klintmaneTirana, Albania
- kskyten
- manelet
- NimbleMachine-andrewBellingham, WA
- noahf100
- notwithstandingtheforegoing
- samisha98Mumbai
- scottmessingerCommon Curriculum
- streetturtle@lightspeed
- toby-coleman
- tscholl2
- tue-savvySavvycom JSC
- wallanceKahalu'u, Hawai'i
- wasinsandiegoLA
- yzhda1991
- zaiquiriwInsomnia Cookies