
This repository is for the assignment "Clean up ClassDivider" for Programming Methods, a course at the TU/e.

Primary LanguageJava


Classdivider divides a class of students into groups of a given size, +/- a given deviation. For example, to divide the example class listed in students.lst into groups of 4 +/- 2 students, run classdivider as follows:

java -jar target/classdivider-0.6.jar -g 4 -d 2 students.lst


Usage: classdivider [-hV] [-d=<deviation>] -g=<groupSize> <studentsFile>
Divide a class of students into groups.
      <studentsFile>   path to file with students data in CSV format
  -d, --deviation=<deviation>
                       permitted difference of number of students in a group
                         and the preferred group size. Defaults to 1.
  -g, --group-size=<groupSize>
                       preferred group size.
  -h, --help           Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version        Print version information and exit.

Building and running classdivider

Because classdivider uses two external libraries, one for reading CSV files and one to make nice command-line interfaces, you need to package the dependencies when building the program.

On the terminal, run:

mvn clean compile assembly:single

This actions creates Jar file target/classdivider-0.6.jar.

We created a "Maven action" for this in NetBeans called build. So, you can build this project with all dependencies also via the project context menu Run Mavenbuild.

After building the program, you run it in a terminal. In the terminal, change directory to the project's root directory and run:

java -jar target/classdivider-0.6.jar -g 4 -d 2 students.lst