Classdivider divides a class of students into groups of a given size, +/- a
given deviation. For example, to divide the example class listed in
into groups of 4 +/- 2 students, run classdivider as
java -jar target/classdivider-0.6.jar -g 4 -d 2 students.lst
Usage: classdivider [-hV] [-d=<deviation>] -g=<groupSize> <studentsFile>
Divide a class of students into groups.
<studentsFile> path to file with students data in CSV format
-d, --deviation=<deviation>
permitted difference of number of students in a group
and the preferred group size. Defaults to 1.
-g, --group-size=<groupSize>
preferred group size.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
Because classdivider uses two external libraries, one for reading CSV files and one to make nice command-line interfaces, you need to package the dependencies when building the program.
On the terminal, run:
mvn clean compile assembly:single
This actions creates Jar file target/classdivider-0.6.jar
We created a "Maven action" for this in NetBeans called build. So, you can build this project with all dependencies also via the project context menu Run Maven → build.
After building the program, you run it in a terminal. In the terminal, change directory to the project's root directory and run:
java -jar target/classdivider-0.6.jar -g 4 -d 2 students.lst