
A take home challenge


  • Android Studio: Android Studio Arctic Fox 2020.3.1
  • Tested on Emulator: Pixel 3a Emulator running API 31, target Android 12 preview, arm64 v8a
  • Gradle JDK: 11.0.10 (Android Studio Default)

Areas of Focus

  • Architecture: I focused mainly on architecture, data flow, and modular code. I wanted to use modern practices combined with recent libraries. I used an MVVM approach with the business logic handled by the ViewModel with the intention of needing very little (if any) logic in the Activity and Fragment classes. I used Dagger-Hilt for dependency injection as it adds some desirable features for ViewModel injection, by nature dependency injection helps with modularity. I used Retrofit with Moshi for network calls.
  • Testing: I focused on unit testing for this app, I would have liked to add instrumentation testing but I didn't have time. Code coverage was not my goal so much as demonstrating a few different ways to test the various components. Additional tests could be made in the same fashion to increase coverage.
  • Demonstrate Different Practices: I tried to sprinkle in a little of everything in this app while still adhearing to acceptable practices. For example, I created some one offs that are functional but are mostly for demonstration; like an extension function and a binding adapter.

Additional Comments

  • I built this app strictly on mobile, I did not factor in tablet design.

  • I made some assumptions about the api. I didn't see a place in the documentation that said what fields were required or not required. I found that the id field sometimes had null fields and I didn't see a need to use it so I ignored it. All other fields I assumed to be required.

  • There is a lot of data assosiated with each user. I didn't feel that all of it was needed. I took information that I thought was relevant and I could use in an interesting way. I didn't feel it was necessary to take certain fields because time was limited and at a certain point it becomes an exercise in repitition. An example of this is the login object. I didn't use it because I didn't have time to do something interesting with it. Given more time I might use the AndroidKeyStore to store some of the private information. Furthermore, I could have used the uuid as the primary key, admittedly this isn't a normal practice but it requires less code to access the email and for an app this size it ends up being a concept more than a necessity.

  • I do not consider myself a designer. I did my best to adhere to material design guidelines but I am in general I am not creative when it comes to design so I didn't spend a ton of time on this. If given more time it would be nice to have some animations for the fragment transitions and things like that but I decided my time was better spent on the architecture and data flow.

  • There are a number of additional features I was hoping to add but didn't have time to implement. I would be happy to discuss some of them.