
Howto for adding Polish language to PostgreSQL

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pg_hunspell - adding a language to PostgreSQL's (Full Text Search) FTS with Hunspell


pg_hunspell_install pl PL polish


This utility does all the leg work. To add a language dictionary to your PostgreSQL's instance, you'll need three dictionary files:

  • .dict
  • .affix
  • .stop

We download them and produce the SQL to help get them functioning as a dictionary, and FTS configuration in the database.

Obtaining dictionary files

We have two sources,

  • On Debian or Ubuntu the script will use apt to install the files, or dpkg if they're already installed.
  • Or, if you're not on Debian or Ubuntu, it will source them from the proper projects on github. The dictionary and affix files we get from LibreOffice Dictionaries, and we pull the stopwords from the stopwords-iso project.

Once this is done, those files get processed and installed into the tsearch_data dir belonging to your PostgreSQL's installation. You can find the location of that directory with pg_config --sharedir. If you're on Debian or Ubuntu, you'll be prompted to do this automatically. If you wish to install for other version of PostgreSQL, you'll have to copy the above listed files to the appropriate tsearch_data location.

Creating search dict and config in PostgreSQL

After you run the pg_hunspell_install script the SQL to CREATE the DICTIONARY and CONFIGURATION will be outputted, as well as the catalog annotations. Simply start psql and run these commands.


Postgres comes with ts_debug function that's useful for testing text search configs. Lets test some random phrase:

SELECT token, dictionary, lexemes
FROM ts_debug(
  'Szybkie brązowe lisy przeskoczyły ponad starym szarym Burkiem który spal.'
WHERE alias <> 'blank';

Here's the output:

    token     | dictionary  |      lexemes        
 Szybkie      | polish_dict | {szybki}
 brązowe      | polish_dict | {brązowy}
 lisy         | polish_dict | {lisa,lis}
 przeskoczyły | polish_dict | {przeskoczyć}
 ponad        | polish_dict | {}
 starym       | polish_dict | {starym,stary,stara}
 szarym       | polish_dict | {szary}
 Burkiem      | polish_dict | {burkiem,burek}
 który        | polish_dict | {}
 spał         | polish_dict | {spała,spać}

This shows that the dict we've just added, the polish_dict, was used and valid lexemes were resolved for each of words used, meaning that search for szybki lis would've matched szybkie lisy.

GOTCHA: You may need to additionally unaccent your strings if you want to search without diacritics, otherwhise your search my return surprising results.

If you want for searches for, say, iphone to match apple phone, you should research the thesaurus features.


Something I didn't know when I endeavoured to start this, Debian provides pg_updatedicts. Currently, it does some things we don't with the update mechanisms. That is to say, in some ways it is better. Given enough time, I'll steal those ideas. They don't do stop words, and I'm going to get a thesaurus up too. After which, I'll submit to mainline PostgreSQL; and, also to Debian to see if they're interested in upgrading.


Find the code on the GitHub Repository. PR's welcome!


  • Evan Carroll, 14 Nov 2017
  • Rafał Pitoń, 09 Aug 2016