
Docker image for HPE oneview-ansible modules on Debian

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Docker image for HPE oneview-ansible modules on Debian


  • Debian Stretch
  • python 2.7.15
  • ansible 2.5.5
  • hpOneView 4.7.0
  • oneview-ansible 5.1.1


oneview-ansible-debian contains no playbooks or configuration. Everything must be passed in.

Ansible inventory and playbooks

Set up a volume or use a bind mount containing the inventory and playbooks. This can be mounted into the container with -v or --mount

The modules will run on localhost and must use the python in /usr/local/bin/python. Add the following line to the inventory file:

localhost ansible_python_interpreter=python2.7 ansible_connection=local

Putting it all together

Assume a named volume playbooks with the Ansible inventory and a site.yml playbook. This can be run with the following command:

docker run \
    -v playbooks:/playbooks \
    bobfraser1/oneview-ansible-debian \
    ansible-playbook -i /playbooks/hosts /playbooks/site.yml