This Tool can upload files to a azure storage account and sets the content type of this file. It also can create, delete and list container.
go get
You can provided the access key to your azure storage account per command line or you can store it in an config file.
abc save credentials -h
Save Key and Account
abc save credentials [flags]
-f, --filename string Filename to store Config (default "/Users/manfred/.azure/abc-config.json")
Global Flags:
-a, --account string Azure Storage Account
-k, --key string Azure Storage Account Key
-v, --verbose Verbose Output
abc save credentials -k kXRpCKCzMak5+RbxqNixfDGVnBgmx8ywiMtIHIiLo+GkedOTfUvzMOy4HJlSrxEQgURzTx654uoAzYmjTazvrQ== -a teststorageaccount0
this subcommand uploads files or data from a pipe to a Block Blob. If the Block Blob gets bigger than 195GB, this tool split the blob in parts and create a blobname-bundle.json file. If the data comes per pipe and you know that it is bigger than 195GB you should use the -big switch. Than every file gets an index, also the first file. Remember it is not possible to rename blobs.
abc upload -h
uploads a file to a selected container and stets the contentType
abc upload [flags]
-b, --big spilt file which are bigger than 195GB in part Blockblobs
-n, --blobname string The Blob File Name (required for pipe)
-C, --cacheControl string CacheControl for the uploaded file
-c, --container string a Azure Container (required)
-E, --contentEncoding string ContentEncoding for the uploaded file
-L, --contentLanguage string ContentLanguage for the uploaded file
-T, --contentType string Contenttype for the uploaded file
-f, --filename string Filename to upload (required if no pipe)
-p, --pipe incoming Pipe
-w, --worker int download Worker Count (default 10)
Global Flags:
-a, --account string Azure Storage Account
-k, --key string Azure Storage Account Key
-v, --verbose Verbose Output
Upload a big File per pipe:
tar cz /var/lib/mysql | abc upload -b -p -n backup-db.tgz -c backup-20160807
Upload a file(with automatic contentType by extension):
abc upload -c pictures -n cat.jpg -C "cache-control: private, max-age=60, no-cache"
this subcommand let you download a blob to a file or put the output to stdout. If the blobfile is a bundle and there is blobname-bundle.json file all parts will be downloaded and chained in to one file or output to stdout.
abc download -h
Downloads a blob file selected in you storage account and selected container
abc download [flags]
-n, --blobname string The Blob File Name (required)
-c, --container string a Azure Container (required)
-f, --filename string Filename to download
-p, --pipe outgoing Pipe
-w, --worker int download Worker Count (default 10)
Global Flags:
-a, --account string Azure Storage Account
-k, --key string Azure Storage Account Key
-v, --verbose Verbose Output
download a blob to stdout
abc download -c backup -n mysql.tar.gz -p | tar xz
download a blob to file
abc download -c backup -n mysql.tar.gz
abc container list -h
Here you can list all containers in your storage account. You can also list
all container by a certain prefix.
abc container list [flags]
-p, --prefix string a Azure Container Prefix
Global Flags:
-a, --account string Azure Storage Account
-k, --key string Azure Storage Account Key
-v, --verbose Verbose Output
list all containers
abc container list
list all containers starts with prefix
abc container list -p backup
abc container show -h
show the containing blobs in your storage account
abc container show [flags]
-c, --container string a Azure Container (required)
-p, --prefix string a Azure Blob Prefix
Global Flags:
-a, --account string Azure Storage Account
-k, --key string Azure Storage Account Key
-v, --verbose Verbose Output
show content of a container (all blobs)
abc container show -c pictures
show content of container with blob prefix
abc container show -c pictures -p /test/
abc container delete -h
Here you can delete a container in your storage account
abc container delete [flags]
-c, --container string a Azure Container (required)
Global Flags:
-a, --account string Azure Storage Account
-k, --key string Azure Storage Account Key
-v, --verbose Verbose Output
delete container
abc container delete -c pictures
abc container create -h
Here you can create a container in your storage account
abc container create [flags]
-c, --container string a Azure Container (required)
Global Flags:
-a, --account string Azure Storage Account
-k, --key string Azure Storage Account Key
-v, --verbose Verbose Output
create container
abc container create -c pictures
abc blob delete -h
delete selected blob files in your storage account
abc blob delete [flags]
-n, --blobname string The Blob File Name (required)
-c, --container string a Azure Container (required)
Global Flags:
-a, --account string Azure Storage Account
-k, --key string Azure Storage Account Key
-v, --verbose Verbose Output
delete blob
abc blob delete -c pictures -n /test/cat.jpg
abc save bash -h
Save Bash Complition
abc save bash [flags]
-f, --filename string Filename to store Bash Complitition
Global Flags:
-a, --account string Azure Storage Account
-k, --key string Azure Storage Account Key
-v, --verbose Verbose Output
Install bash complition
abc save bash -f ~/
echo "source ~/" >> .bash_profile
On Mac OS X there is an _get_comp_words_by_ref command not found error. This can be fixed with:
brew install bash-completion
bash completion works only with bash version 4. If there is an flaghash["${flagname}"]: bad array subscript error you need to Install bash version 4. For mac:
brew install bash
You also have to configure your terminal programm to use this shell.
This project is published under Apache 2.0 License.