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1. AWS account
2. Ownership of a DNS name
3. Availability Zone - decide in which AZ the cluster will be spin up

Configure EFS:

  1. Create EFS volume in AWS (<ID_Number> should be unique, but can be random):: $ aws efs create-file-system --creation-token <ID_Number>

  2. Identify the Subnet of the and Security Group Id of the EFS volume and note them down: $ aws describe-instances 1. To get subnet-id, search response for "SubnetId" (for example "subnet-8cc390e8") 2. To get security-group-id, search response for "SecurityGroups.GroupId" (for example "sg-f1a22797")

  3. Create EFS Mount Target using the "FileSystemId" in the same subnet as the cluster: $ aws efs create-mount-target --filesystem-id --subnet-id --security-groups

  4. Update the "wordpress-web.yml" Deployment file with "FileSystemId" and "Region" values: spec.template.spec.volumes.nfs.server: eu-west-1a..efs..amazonaws.com

Configure MySQL DB pod with EBS volume:

  1. kubectl create -f storage.yml
  2. kubectl create -f pv-claim.yml
  3. kubectl create -f wordpress-secrets.yml
  4. kubectl create -f wordpress-db.yml
  5. kubectl create -f wordpress-db-service.yml
  6. Verify the EBS volume:
    • kubectl get pvc
    • kubectl get pod
    • kubectl describe <POD_NAME>

Launch WordPress Pod:

  1. kubectl create -f wordpress-web.yml
  2. Wait for the pods to be created

Launch WordPress LoadBalancer:

  1. kubectl create -f wordpress-web-service.yml

To delete the WordPress cluster:

  1. Remove the cluster:
    • $ kubectl delete deployment hello-node
  2. Delete the EFS:
    • AWS Console > EFS > Delete file system