Setup Kuma Multizone Demo on MacBook


  • Docker installed and running
  • k3d installed and working
  • kumactl installed
  • optional tools I use:
    • kubectx, kubens

Setup 3 Kubernetes Clusters

k3d cluster create kuma-cp --network kuma
k3d cluster create kuma-zone-a --network kuma
k3d cluster create kuma-zone-b --network kuma


Setup Kuma Global CP

Link to original docu:

! Be aware which k3s you are working with, I use kubectx for it

kubectx k3d-kuma-cp
kumactl install control-plane --mode=global | kubectl apply -f -

Wait for the deployment to finish his work and check for the external-ip of the Kuma service:

kubectl get services -n kuma-system

NAME                    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                              AGE
kuma-control-plane      ClusterIP    <none>        5680/TCP,5681/TCP,5682/TCP,443/TCP   119s
kuma-global-zone-sync   LoadBalancer    5685:30865/TCP                       119s

Setup debug container in same network && Start portforwarding to GUI

To be able to access the Kuma Gui I will forward the port:

kubectl port-forward svc/kuma-control-plane -n kuma-system 5681:5681 &

And I start a ubuntu container in the same network

docker run -ti --network kuma ubuntu /bin/bash

Setup Zone CPs

We need to take the IP from the above output, in our case and use it in the next commands

Zone A

kubectx k3d-kuma-zone-a
export ZONENAME=zone-a
export CP_IP=
kumactl install control-plane \
--mode=zone \
--zone=$ZONENAME \
--ingress-enabled \
--kds-global-address grpcs://$CP_IP:5685 \
--set controlPlane.tls.kdsZoneClient.skipVerify=true | kubectl apply -f -

Zone B

kubectx k3d-kuma-zone-b
export ZONENAME=zone-b
export CP_IP=
kumactl install control-plane \
--mode=zone \
--zone=$ZONENAME \
--ingress-enabled \
--kds-global-address grpcs://$CP_IP:5685 \
--set controlPlane.tls.kdsZoneClient.skipVerify=true | kubectl apply -f -

Add observability to Global CP

kubectx k3d-kuma-cp
kumactl install observability | kubectl apply -f -

Demo App

Now lets follow the Kuma demo app guide:

Here is the list of the commands without further explanation:

git clone
cd kuma-counter-demo
kubectx k3d-kuma-zone-a
kubectl apply -f demo.yaml
kubectl port-forward svc/demo-app -n kuma-demo 5000:5000