
METAR map visualization driven by a Raspberry Pi and WS281x LEDs

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


This is a Nerves project to display the weather conditions at local airports using LEDs. Here's a photo gallery.

It was designed to run on a Raspberry Pi Zero W with a string of WS2811 LEDs.



Building the firmware

  1. Copy an existing map config file, e.g. config/maps/ny_rpi0.exs, and modify.

  2. Copy .envrc-example to .envrc and modify the environment variables.

  3. Set up the environment.

    direnv allow
    brew install fwup squashfs coreutils xz pkg-config
    asdf install
    mix archive.install hex nerves_bootstrap 1.11.5
    mix deps.get
  4. Build and upload the firmware.

    mix firmware
    # Burn to an SD card
    mix burn
    # -OR- upload to an existing Pi
    mix upload metar-map.local

Testing locally on the host machine

MIX_TARGET=host iex -S mix phx.server