If you don't know what CS:GO Game State Integration is, I suggest you to read up on this article published by Valve in their wiki.
npm install cs-gamestate
Valve has released an update on the 17th of December 2015. The event of the bomb being planted is now delayed by a random amount of time. If you subscribe to round.bomb
, be aware of this!
const CSGameState = new (require('cs-gamestate'))(3000, ''); // The options (port, host) are optional, these are the defaults
// The events are being reffered to like objects.
// In this case the function will be called whenever 'player.state.health' (the players health) changes
CSGameState.on('player.state.health', (health, oldValue, data) => {
// If you need any other information (e.g. money) you can access it in the data object
// For the players money that would be 'data.player.state.money'
console.log('Health of', data.player.name, 'has changed from', oldValue, 'to', health);
// OUTPUT: Health of Hansiiii has changed from 100 to 72
You can also subscribe to any update sent by the client by using
CSGameState.on('<update>', data => {
// Crunch the data...
You can specify options when calling cs-gamestate like this require('cs-gamesate')(options, port, host)
If you don't want cs-gamestate to create a server you can set this to false
You can then later call CSGameState.parse passing an object.
You will need to use this function if you didn't create a server automatically. This can be useful if you don't always want to update the state, but only if certain conditions are met.