This repository contains the source code for the above mentioned research project. It extends MMF with two multimodal datasets: UPMC-Food101 and MM-Twitter (not publicly available).
The Experiments were run on a SLURM-based research cluster and the scripts can be found inside the folder slurm_jobs
Each of these scripts is initialized as indicated with 0 in the figure and consists of either processes 1 or 2.
MMF is highly configurable, which is seen in the mmf_run statement at the end of each slurm script. For testing, run_type
just needs to be set to test
mmf_run config=projects/vilbert/configs/mmimdb/defaults.yaml \
run_type=train_val \
dataset=mmimdb \
model=vilbert \
training.fp16=True \
training.tensorboard=True \
training.batch_size=80 \
training.update_frequency=1 \
training.checkpoint_interval=500 \
training.max_updates=20000 \
scheduler.params.num_training_steps=20000 \
training.clip_gradients=True \
training.max_grad_l2_norm=0.25 \
training.seed=45003754 \
checkpoint.resume=True \