Log Analyzer

Analyze customer log files to detect patterns based on a configuration. This tool helps me to find irregularities in log files for instance for a specific user. This works line-based and gets all information from a configuration file.



  • Rust 1.27


Clone this repository:

$ git clone git@github.com:schultyy/log-analyzer.git /tmp/log-analyzer

Make a release build:

$ cargo build --release

Copy this into your path:

$ cp target/release/log-analyzer ~/.bin

Config files

Config files are defined in JSON format and do look like this:

  "name": "worker",
  "date_identifier": "^time=(\"\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}Z\")",
  "context_arguments": [
  "steps": [
      "name": "received amqp delivery",
      "identifier": "msg=\"received amqp delivery\"",
      "payload": [

context_arguments: These regular expressions are used to determine if a given line does contain information that needs to be processed further.

steps: With these steps you can define a workflow that needs to be met for a certain user/repository/etc..

A single step:

name: The name of the step. This is a display name and not used for any evaluation identifier: Regular expression to match this specific line payload: Additional information that shall be extracted from this log line