
This pipeline includes the General workflow to find differentially expressed genes with DESeq starting from Kallisto files or Gene count tables including helpful plots.


  1. DEA_analysis: added Fold-change as column in results of DE_object
  2. fixed batch_corrected_table when using SVA
  3. Added boxplots to single gene plotting
  4. PCA looks prettier now :D


  1. Changed Volcano plot because it was displaying the wrong genes in red!
  2. Changed the PCA of the normalized counts so you can now also plot it without a shape_option
  3. Changed the Top_10_genes function as it calculated the wrong genes! (did not take fold-change threshold into account)


Changed the command


  1. Dea_analysis: now the DEgene_number data-frame displays the right names.
  2. DE_genes_plot now has the comparison of the conditions in the heading.


  1. Fold change is now also included in the results table
  2. Excel files with the DEgenes and their pvalues and Fold-changes can now be created automatically.
  3. Creating an excel file with the normalized counts


  1. Now you can either add a colour to the PCA under anno_colour matching a colour to each factor in colour_obj, or not by settin anno_colour=NULL
  2. Adjusted the Limma_batch command so you can add your column of interest here so the variance explained by this variable never gets lost.