
Detecting parasites on honeybees

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VarroaDataset 🐝

This is the repository for the VarroaDataset.

Purpose of this dataset is to provide high resolution images (160x280px) of honeybees, recorded in a controlled and constant environment.

We further provide:

  • ~4000 manual annotations of honeybees infected with the parasite Varroa Destructor.
  • Predefined dataset splits into: train, test and validation subsets

Dataset Statistics

Parameter Total Train Test Val
# of samples 13,509 8,225 3,408 1,876
# pos (infected) 3,947 2,554 942 451
# neg (healthy) 9,562 5,671 2,466 1,425
ratio [pos:neg] 1 : 2.4 1 : 2.2 1 : 2.6 1 : 3.1
resolution [w x h] 160 x 280px

Examples of healthy bees (class 0):

healthy bee healthy bee healthy bee

Examples of infected bees (class 1):

infected bee infected bee infected bee

Creation Process

Dataset creation process

I. The dataset was recorded using the device presented in:

Schurischuster, S., Zambanini, S., Kampel, M. and Lamp, B., 2016, December. Sensor study for monitoring varroa mites on honey bees (apis mellifera). In Visual Observation and Analysis of Vertebrate and Insect Behavior Workshop.

II. Individual honeybees are detected and extracted from the recorded videos

III. Manual labeling of infected honeybees.


The overall dataset is organized as presented in the sample directory with sub-folders: train, test and val. Each of the sub-folders provides a gt.csv holding the manual annotations in the csv format for each line

[path_to_image_file] [label] [bounding_box_coordinate_top_left_0] [bounding_box_coordinate bottom_right_0] bounding_box_coordinate_top_left_1] [bounding_box_coordinate bottom_right_1] ... [bounding_box_coordinate_top_left_n] [bounding_box_coordinate bottom_right_n]


The dataset is published on Zenodo.


If you consider using this dataset, please site the following:

Schurischuster Stefan, & Martin Kampel. (2020). VarroaDataset [Data set]. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4085043

  author       = {Schurischuster Stefan and
                  Martin Kampel},
  title        = {VarroaDataset},
  month        = oct,
  year         = 2020,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.4085043},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4085043}