
Geant4 Example Application with Rich features and Small footprints

Primary LanguageC++

GEARS is a Geant4 Example Application with Rich features yet Small footprint. The entire C++ coding is minimized down to a single file with about 600 SLOC. This is achieved mainly by utilizing Geant4 plain text geometry description, build-in UI commands (macros), and C++ inheritance. It is ideal for student training and fast implementation of small to medium-sized experiments.


  • Single small C++ file
    • Easy code browsing
    • Easy management and compiling
  • Fast compilation
    • a few second on a regular PC
  • Output in multiple data format
    • ROOT TTree format (default, no ROOT installation is needed)
      • Build-in data compression, well suitable for large data processing
      • Fast access to independent data members
      • Flat tree (no nested branches or arrays) with short leave names
        • Easy to use in TTree::Draw
        • No need to load extra library to open
    • HDF5, universal data format, easy to read by different tools
    • CSV or XML, Human readable ASCII file, capable of dealing with multiple dimensional arrays
  • Record information of step 0 (initStep)
    • This is not available from G4UserSteppingAction
  • simple text or GDML geometry I/O
    • Fast implementation of detector geometry without C++ programming
    • Create/Change geometry without re-compilation
    • Turn any volume to a sensitive detector by adding "(S)" in its name
    • Assign optical properties in Geant4 plain text geometry description
  • Optional optical and hadronic physics
  • Periodic status report in a long run
  • Frequently used source spectra (AmBe, Am-241, etc.)
  • Doxygen documentation
  • Many sample macros and geometry descriptions for feature demonstration


Get started

$ git clone https://github.com/jintonic/gears.git
$ cd gears
$ make
$ ./gears.exe
PreInit> ls



GEARS accepts two types of detector geometry descriptions in pure ASCII format as input:

  • Geant4 text geometry description (recommended)
  • GDML (provided for data analysis and visualization in other tools) Their difference is similar to that between markdown and HTML. The simpler text geometry description provided by Geant4 is recommended to be used as GEARS's input given its simplicity and readability. For example, an experimental hall filled with air and of a dimension of 10 x 10 x 10 meters can be easily implemented using the following line:
:volume hall BOX 5*m 5*m 5*m G4_AIR

More examples can be found in the geom/ directory, such as geom/hall.tg. Files in this directory have a suffix of .tg, indicating that they are text geometry description files. A Geant4 macro command is added to load one of the geometry files:

/geometry/source examples/Rutherford/foil.tg


/geometry/source file.gdml

The command must be used before /run/initialize, otherwise GEARS will construct a simple experimental hall automatically to prevent crashing.

GEARS provides the following command to export constructed detector geometry to a GDML file:

/geometry/export output.gdml

This can only be used after the macro command /run/initialize, which constructs the detector geometry before exporting. While the simpler text geometry description can only be understood by Geant4, GDML can be understood by many other tools. For example, ROOT provides functions to read and visualize GDML geometries. On the other hand, it is not that easy to write a valid GDML file manually. This functionality is provided to enable the following usage:

# describe the detector using simple text geometry description
/geometry/source input.tg
# construct the detector
# export detector geometry as GDML for analysis/visualization in other tools
/geometry/export output.gdml


The NIST material table provided by Geant4 contains all elements (C, H, O, for example) and a lot of commonly used materials (start with "G4_"). One can run /material/nist/listMaterials at any Geant4 state to print the list locally. These materials can be used directly in a text geometry description, for example

// use Geant4 elements, C and H to define TPB
:MIXT_BY_NATOMS TPB 1.079 2 C 28 H 22
// use NIST material G4_AIR to define vacuum
:mixt vacuum 1e-9 1 G4_AIR 1

Optical properties of a material or a surface

There is no tag to define the optical properties of a material or a surface in the default Geant4 text geometry description. The following two tags are added in GEARS to enable definition of optical materials and surfaces using Geant4 text geometry description syntax:

Define optical properties of a material

//:prop <material>
//  <wavelength-independent_property> <value>
:prop pureCsIat77K

//:prop <material> photon_energies <int(array size)> <energy array>
//  <wavelength-dependent_property> <property values>
:prop pureCsIat77K
  photon_energies 2 2.034*eV, 3.025*eV, 4.136*eV
  RINDEX 1.34, 1.35, 1.36
  ABSLENGTH 1.0*meter, 1.1*meter, 1.2*meter

Define optical properties of a surface

First of all, there is no need to define a surface for polished interfaces between two media. As long as the two media have an index of refraction stored in their respective G4MaterialPropertiesTable, the G4OpBoundaryProcess::PostStepDoIt will handle the refraction and reflection correctly.

One can use the following syntax to define a G4LogicalBorderSurface in case that there is a real need to specify the optical properties of the interface:

//:surf v12v2 v1:copyNo1 v2:copyNo2
:surf CsI2Teflon CsI:1 Teflon:1
  type dielectric_dielectric
  model unified
  finish ground
  sigma_alpha 0.1
  property photon_energies 2 2.5*eV 5.0*eV
    REFLECTIVITY 0.9 0.9
//property must be the last setting due to the current coding method

Note that physics volumes from the same logical volume created by the text geometry processor share the same name as their logical volume. Since G4LogicalBorderSurface requires pointers to the two physical volumes beside, a unique copy number has to be attached to the volume name to uniquely identify the physics volume.

Sensitive detector

Sensitive detectors are specified by simply add "(S)" at the end of their volume names. The copy numbers of their volumes must be continuous integers starting from 0.


Physics list

Since it requires a lot of knowledge to set up a correct physics list, Geant4 provides some pre-packaged physics lists. Three are enabled by default in GEARS:

  • G4DecayPhysics, it defines particle decays. It defines more particles than G4EmStandardPhysics does, so it has to be enabled before optional hadronic physics, otherwise the later will complain about missing particle definitions.
  • G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics, it defines nuclear decays.
  • G4EmStandardPhysics, it has to be defined after G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics, otherwise nuclei cannot get their energy state information and won't decay. No Geant4 documentation warns it.

Three optional lists (G4OpticalPhysics, G4HadronElasticPhysicsHP, G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_HP) can be enabled using Geant4 macros:

  # has to be called before /run/initialize
  /physics_lists/enable Optical
  /physics_lists/enable HadronElastic
  /physics_lists/enable HadronInelastic

Physics processes

Run /process/list after /run/initialize, and you will get

     Transportation,              Decay,   RadioactiveDecay,                msc
              hIoni,            ionIoni,             hBrems,          hPairProd
        CoulombScat,              eIoni,              eBrem,            annihil
               phot,              compt,               conv,             muIoni
            muBrems,         muPairProd,         hadElastic,   neutronInelastic
           nCapture,           nFission,    protonInelastic,       pi+Inelastic
       pi-Inelastic,     kaon+Inelastic,     kaon-Inelastic,    kaon0LInelastic
    kaon0SInelastic,    lambdaInelastic,anti-lambdaInelastic,   sigma-Inelastic
anti_sigma-Inelastic,    sigma+Inelastic,anti_sigma+Inelastic,     xi-Inelastic
  anti_xi-Inelastic,       xi0Inelastic,  anti_xi0Inelastic,    omega-Inelastic
anti_tritonInelastic,  anti_He3Inelastic,anti_alphaInelastic

Now you can use, for example, /process/inactivate nCapture to disable neutron capture process in your simulation. And you can use, for example, /process/setVerbose 20 RadioactiveDecay to change the verbosity of the radioactive decay process.

Individual optical processes can be toggled by the following commands:

/process/optical/processActivation Cerenkov true/false
/process/optical/processActivation Scintillation true/false
/process/optical/processActivation OpAbsorption true/false
/process/optical/processActivation OpRayleigh true/false
/process/optical/processActivation OpMieHG true/false
/process/optical/processActivation OpBoundary true/false
/process/optical/processActivation OpWLS true/false

Detailed control of radioactive decay is provided by the /grdm/ command, for example,

/grdm/deselectVolume chamber # disabled radioactive decay in volume "chamber"
/grdm/nucleusLimits 1 80 # enabled radioactive decay only when z in [1, 80]


Track point

A track point is a concept introduced in GEARS. It is a point where a track is generated or changed. It records the following information:

  • Track id (trk in short)
  • Step number, starting from 0 (stp in short)
  • Detector volume copy number (det in short)
  • Process id (pro in short)
  • Particle id (pid in short)
  • Parent id (mom in short)
  • Energy deposited [keV] (e in short)
  • Kinetic energy of the track [keV] (k in short)
  • global time [ns] (t in short)
  • x [mm]
  • y [mm]
  • z [mm]

Process id

The physics process generating each track point is saved in a variable pro[n], where n is the index of the track point. It equals to (process type) * 1000 + (sub type). The Process types are defined in G4ProcessType.hh, sub types are defined in G4HadronicProcessType.hh, G4DecayProcessType.hh, G4EmProcessSubType.hh, G4TransportationProcessType.hh, G4FastSimulationProcessType.hh, G4OpProcessSubType.hh, etc. They can be found at http://www-geant4.kek.jp/lxr/find?string=Type.hh

Particle id

The type of particle related to a track point is saved in a variable pdg[n]. It is the same as the PDG encoding of the particle. A Google search will give more information about it.

Record information of step 0

One cannot get access to step 0 (initStep printed on screen if /tracking/verbose is set to be more than 0) through G4UserSteppingAction, which only provides access to step 1 and afterwards. However, step 0 contains some very important information that is constantly requested by the user. For example, the energy of a gamma ray from a radioactive decay is only available from step 0. Such information can be easily displayed using the following ROOT command with the Output ROOT tree, t:

  // draw kinetic energy, "k", of a gamma (pdg==22)
  // created by radioactive decay process (pro==6210)
  t->Draw("k","pro==6210 && pdg==22")

This is achieved by using G4SteppingVerbose instead of G4UserSteppingAction for data recording. The former provides a function called TrackingStarted() to print verbose information about step 0 on screen if /tracking/verbose is set to be more than 0. It also provides a function called StepInfo() to print verbose information about steps after step 0 on screen if /tracking/verbose is more than 0. G4SteppingVerbose::StepInfo() is called right before G4UserSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(G4Step) is called in G4SteppingManager::Stepping(), it hence can be used to fully replace the functionality of G4UserSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(G4Step).

In fact, G4UserSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(G4Step*) is not used at all in GEARS. The Output class inherits TrackingStarted() and StepInfo() from G4SteppingVerbose to record data from all steps. There is another advantage of using G4SteppingVerbose instead of G4UserSteppingAction for recording, that is, G4SteppingVerbose is provided as a globally available singleton, which can be easily accessed at different places in the codes using:


This is used in G4UserRunAction to open and close a TFile, in G4UserEventAction to fill a TTree.

The catch is that functions in G4SteppingVerbose will not be called in G4SteppingManager unless /tracking/verbose is set, which will print too much information on screen for a long run. This is solved in EventAction::BeginOfEventAction by turning on tracking verbose all the time so that all functions in G4SteppingVerbose will be called, while at the same time, turning on G4SteppingVerbose local verbose flag Silent to run them in silent mode.

Output format

Gears provides 4 output formats: ROOT (default), HDF5, CSV, and XML. The output file format can be chosen using the following command:

make hdf5

The output file name can be chosen using macro command:

/analysis/setFileName output

No suffix is needed for the file name.


ROOT use TTree to save data. TTree have entry and branch to build their data structure. Each branch is a variable listed in Track Points, and each entry is a event. ROOT will compress the data, so it will cost less disk space. ROOT can load part of data, which can save time when it get large.

Coding convention

G4cout VS std::cout

G4cout and G4endl is preferred over std:cout and std:endl because the former handle the output in Geant4 GUI correctly, while the later can only output to terminal.


  • examples
    • add an example to show how QE can be implemented
    • add an example to show how one can use uproot to load ROOT file
    • add examples to show how one can distribute source in a volume or surface
  • new functions
    • time chopping of radioactive decay chain
    • selective saving based on copy number