
Fancy custom badges for nice git repos. Mostly made by my friend

Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

Nice badges for git repos

Inspirated by https://forthebadge.com/ and looks like it


Because i like this badges. They're aesthetic, but there are not many of them for the tech i use, so i decicded it would be good to have my own badges

Currently there are

Badges for languages



Clojure - the best Lisp dialect out there

Elm - Haskell for frontend

Kotlin - bullshit meme language for braindeads who can't use Scala

Badges for frameworks

Spring framework

Build for


Command Line

As you can see this stuff is licensed under CC-BY-SA, so it's kinda open source and you can edit/distribute/use it where you want