
Android Auto App for displaying local speedcam feeds

Primary LanguageJava

Android Auto compatible app for displaying local speedcam feeds e.g. from radio stations


Additional features:

  • Unlock the phone during Android Auto - Please keep your eyes on the road at any time!
  • Add custom shortcut to launch other apps in background (e.g. other radar warner which is incompatible with AA)

Add a new feed:

  • Create a new module in the org.openauto.localspeedcam.modules package
  • extend the abstract class TrafficModule.java
  • Add the feed in the TrafficModule.java static module list

How to use:

  • Build and install APK (If you want to skip the build, download APK here.
  • Enable Developer settings in Android Auto
  • Enable 'Unknown sources' checkbox
  • Connect phone to AA Head Unit and select the OEM tab

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